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Remy Metailler Shares Some Winter MTB Tips and Tricks

Just because it’s gross and wet outside doesn’t mean you have to stop riding you mountain bike this winter. Well, that is if you live in a place where the trails aren’t covered in feet of snow from November through May. For those of us lucky enough to live (or at least spend time in) areas like the PNW or the Southeast, riding on sloppy and wet winter days is a great way to improve bike handling skills and make our riding that much better when things get fast and loose in the dryer months of the year. As a coastal BC local, Remy Metailler certainly gets his fair share of wet and wild riding days, and he’s got some useful tips to share in his latest video. Hear us out, we know his usual how-to vids focus on the kind of riding many of will likely never take part in (eg. Squamish’s biggest rock rolls), but this one has some seriously helpful tips for even the most novice of riders.

About The Author

stash member Max Ritter

I manage digital content here at TGR, run our gear testing program, and am stoked to be living the dream in the Tetons.