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FUNNY: Jaxson Riddle Puts Rampage Hucks Into Context

When they say that Rampage riders are hitting jumps akin to falling out of a four-story window, they’re not kidding. Nicholi Rogatkin and Jaxson Riddle go full Mythbusters in trying to explain what exactly goes down when a rider drops into a Rampage run. Remember, the whole competition was inspired by freeride skiers like those in TGR films hitting big Alaskan spines. We’re talking the same exposure and arguably worse consequences if you mess up. So for us mere mortals, what does that even mean? Nicholi and Jaxson (who’s dropping into his first-ever Rampage run this year) give us some real-world examples to better illustrate the point.

Great video! I was laughing out hard on how the it was narrated but all in all it’s also very informative. I have only one question how much is the cost of the bikes that are being use on this?

This so funny, had me laughing hard! Painters and decorators Leeds

This so extreme! Rampage Riders are just living their names! I was very entertained with the video, so epic! I was doing a CCTV installation when I happened to see this. Just wow.

Woah. Great extreme video. Love it.
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About The Author

stash member Maizie Grace