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Video: Walking the World’s Longest Highline At Nearly 2 miles

While certainly still one of the fringe-iest sports out there, highlining (walking a slackline hundreds of feet off the ground) has certainly caught on in recent years. Every few months, we hear of a new distance record being set, but this one blows the rest out of the water. Rigging between two separate Norwegian mountains, pro highliners Quirin Herterich, Friedi Kühne, Samuel Volery and Lukas Irmler walked a 2,800-meter-long line. That’s almost 2 miles of walking on a thread through the sky.

A few notes from the slackers themselves:

“Two days ago Sam and Lukas attempted the longest Highline in the world: 2,800 meters in length. Sam went first and crossed with 2 falls walked non-stop for more than 2,000 meters. Lukas walked to the middle and turned around because the wind picked up and it started to rain. These incredible athletes reported some extreme experiences. One said that he began to imagine things about the line and true fear sank in. This was an act of incredible strength and endurance! Good job guys! Thank you to such an amazing team for making this happen!!”

About The Author

stash member Max Ritter

I manage digital content here at TGR, run our gear testing program, and am stoked to be living the dream in the Tetons.