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VIDEO: Quarantined Italian Climber Puts Up Bold New FA

Enrico Veronese didn’t let the living nightmare that is currently Northern Italy prevent him from pushing the limits of his sport. With strict orders to remain inside to prevent the spread of Coronavirus, Veronese put up a bold first ascent of a new route. The new climb, Il suo appartamento is rated at 55° E5, M9, 5.14a, making it one of the hardest of its genre (whatever that genre may be). It even included a ski descent of his driveway and a bivy on a sketchy ledge (READ: his balcony.)

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In all reality, it’s pretty cool to see how our favorite athletes have been keeping busy during the current crisis. Check out what Victor De Le Rue has been up to:

I watched the video and I think this is a hard time for people to remain at your home especially for those who are restless during the normal days. In this video, he has shown some trick and it is really good. Thanks for sharing and many new innovative things are done by people during this lockdown days

How amazing! So cool!
House Painter

About The Author

stash member Max Ritter

I manage digital content here at TGR, run our gear testing program, and am stoked to be living the dream in the Tetons.