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Think Climbing the Grand Teton is Hard? Try Doing it Twice in One Day

Jackson Hole’s Grand Teton is certainly atop many climbers’ ticklists. It’s a summit that typically gets done in two days, but a painful one-day push is certainly within reach for many. 

Enter Meredith June Edwards, a Jackson local with a penchant for all things ultra-endurance, be it running, skiing, or climbing. Her latest adventure with partners Jake Urban and Jason Schlarb is something straight from the deepest depths of the pain cave. Two laps on the Grand, back to back in 16 hours; a new record they affectionately called the Double Grand 50k. Just to put that into perspective, that's 30.1 miles, with 14,000 vertical feet of elevation gain. 

good work sir found some intresting news from this article

About The Author

stash member Max Ritter

I manage digital content here at TGR, run our gear testing program, and am stoked to be living the dream in the Tetons.