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Is This 4 Year Old The Youngest Nat Geo Photographer Ever?

Nat Geo photographer Aaron Huey's four year old son, Hawkeye, might be the youngest Nat Geo photographer ever. After an 18 month road trip around the country with a disposal camera in tow, Hawkeye captured the oft overlooked and undervalued knee high perspective that children bring to the table. 

RELATED: Social Experiment: Dad Takes Park and Pow Laps With Toddlers Between His Legs

Both Aaron and Hawkeye are attempting to fund a book of Hawkeye's disposables called "Cowboys Indians Hobos Gamblers Patriots Tourists and Sunsets: The Book." We're not going to lie, we see a lot of photographers in this office, and Hawkeye isn't just some toddler toting around a silly camera. 

Check out the Kickstarter here

About The Author

stash member Hillary Saunders

Professional weekend warrior.