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Behind the Scenes with In-the-Buff Courtney Conlogue

ESPN’s advertising this year’s Body Issue as “Bodies We Want 2016.” While I’m all about the quote, “Real women are fat…and thin…and both…and neither…and otherwise,” and the outlook that you should be happy with what you’ve got, sometimes you’ve just got to admit that an athlete’s bod is the best work of art.

I just can’t help myself: when I see a swimmer’s torso, or a cyclist’s calves, I just want to throw up my hands like the hallelujah emoji. And this time round, 23-year-old pro surfer Courtney Conlogue’s body’s what’s doing it for me.

Conlogue recently ditched her wetsuit for her birthday suit after snagging a spot as the lone surfer to appear in the Body Issue. Her images (shot in Tahiti) reflect to a T that a healthy body is the best fashion statement, and as per how her body and surfing mesh, she says, “Right now we're in a transition where in order to be successful, you have to hit the gym...You have to do extra to conquer the ocean."

Conlogue struggled to accept her powerful muscles in her teens. Now she appreciates them for where they take her. Courtney Conlogue photo.

According to ESPN, Conlogue used to be self-conscious, disliking her "super bulky and built up" athletic physique. She thought she had Apolo Anton Ohno thighs (Google them; they're nice), not the thighs of what she thought a surfer should have. Now, however, she says, "I like that I've made my body for a purpose.”

Today, Conlogue appreciates that her body can get her the places she wants to go: "My arms aren't bulky, but they're so strong, and they're able to get me through the thick and thin of big swells." She continues, "I'm at the point where I'm so happy with how I feel...I've fine-tuned how I need to look in order to be the best I can when that jersey goes on and I'm competing."

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As per the shoot, Conlogue just wanted “to show the strength and athleticism of women surfing.” She describes the whole experience as “surreal.” I’d describe it as f$%^&** awesome. She gets to swim around…in the buff…in tropical waters. Cameraman right there aside, I’d say that’s pretty killer.

If Conlogue’s not already fabulous enough, here’s video proof that she’s one of the best. It takes some serious balls to surf naked in front of many a camera, and the badass babe does it with utmost grace.   

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