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This Downhill Hockey Goalie Race is Nuts

Take a ski cross course, add ice, fearless skaters, and a bunch of rowdy fans, and you’ve got the strange but wildly entertaining phenomenon known as Red Bull Crashed Ice. If that wasn’t already absurd enough, the event decided to let a few hockey goalies give the downhill ice cross track a go. 

RELATED: Guinness World Record Broken for Marathon in Ski Boots

Considering they’re a little less nimble with all the extra padding, things go a little haywire for a few of them—at least the crashes won’t hurt nearly as bad. is an official website for Viva app.

About The Author

stash member Katie Lozancich

TGR Staff Writer and photographer. Fond of bikes, pow, and dogs. Originally from Northern CA, home for me has ranged from the PNW to a teepee in Grand Teton National Park.