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Forced Meditation: Highlining Explained by the Baddest Women You Ever Met

In this powerful short, some very talented women explain what motivates them to improve in the thrilling sport of highlining and also what the sport has taught them. 

According to the female athletes, highlining teaches life lessons like being calm, living in the moment, and understanding what your energy does to the situation you are in. Watching other badass women perform is emboldening because there are so few females in the male-dominated sport. 

RELATED: Andy Lewis: The Witch and the Warlock Highline

One highliner says that when you are walking the slackline, you are forced to meditate. "You have to be focused, you have to be still, you have to be balanced, you have to be calm and you have to be breathing." If you don't, you will fall. 

It is always inspirational to watch women empowering each other in outdoor sports, and we can't wait to see more from these ladies!

Who are these amazing woman? Their view on friendship is a treasured one and their strength on the line is incredible!

About The Author

stash member Pyper Dixon

Alaskan native. I moved to Bozeman, Montana to study skiing and paragliding at MSU, but somehow ended up with a Land Management degree. Now I live in Jackson, where I can continue my ski education without the distractions of school.