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A French Guy Just Flew A Jetpack Across The English Channel

Forget all the talk about Brexit and messy international politics between the British and the rest of Europe. French inventor and badass Franky Zapata just pulled quite the stunt, flying a jet-powered hoverboard across the English Channel. The 40-year-old flew from Sangatte, France across a 22-mile stretch of water, and landed in St. Margaret’s Bay, Kent.

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This was actually Zapata’s second attempt at the feat, having crashed on his first attempt during a refueling stop. The boat he was attempting to land on was moving too much in the waves, and he was forced to ditch into the water. His average speed was around 90mph, and he completed the crossing in roughly 20 minutes. 

Zapata is the man behind the ridiculous water-jet-powered Flyboard, like the one seen below.

About The Author

stash member Max Ritter

I manage digital content here at TGR, run our gear testing program, and am stoked to be living the dream in the Tetons.