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TGR’s Maddix Alotis is On Fire

TGR’s roster of stellar athletes is a point of pride for us; and watching our young athletes flourish into seasoned pros is about the most exciting part of what we do here. One of our exciting, young athletes, Maddix Alotis, has been making (and riding) waves on the free and pro surf scenes, and we are stoked to see it!

As of recently, Maddix has been hot in the pursuit of scoring the best swell possible. Making the rounds, so to speak, in a lot of the major breaks around the world. Luckily for him, many of those breaks happen to be located right in his backyard on the North Shore of Oahu.

Recently, Maddix set off for what is arguably the most wave rich place on the planet: Indonesia. This tropical island nation has become a sort of Mecca for surfers since the 70’s when the likes Gerry Lopez, Nat Young, and Bill Finnegan discovered the seemingly infinite wave surplus that this beautiful locale provides for us to humbly enjoy.

About The Author

stash member Liam Van Sickle
