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Yet Another Abandoned Ski Area

While looking for ski areas I could go ski at, I came across a nearby ski hill that I had not even heard about: Klaukkala's Tornikeskus, or Tower Hill. Unfortunately, they just closed permanently. That doesn't mean I couldn't go ski there, of course :-)

It has been a nice hill, still used for hike-up-stairs, hiking trails, and downhill bike riding. And there are a few resilient snowboarders practicing their jumps. The lifts are frozen in place, but still equipped with cables and bars. Here's hoping that someone will take over the business are re-open the area.

There wasn't much snow, however, so I opted for skiing down the least rocky part, the lift track. But it was icy, and there were a few rocks even on this path. Well, managed to get down nevertheless.

You can find Tornikeskus and Tornimäki at N 60.365439 E 24.758202.

The visit here reminded me also of what Tero and I found years ago in Chile, at Arenales.

This article has also been published at Blogspot. Read the full Planetskier series at, or all blog articles from Blogspot or TGR. Photos, videos, and text (c) 2021 by Jari Arkko.

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