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Hey Friends, It’s Officially Bear Season In Yellowstone

A male grizzly bear was sighted in Yellowstone National Park this weekend. | Flickr photo.

Hey everyone, it’s officially bear season in the greater Yellowstone ecosystem. On Saturday, Yellowstone National Park rangers reported sighting the first grizzly bear of the season in the northern section of the park, interacting with wolves at a carcass. Male grizzlies typically come out of hibernation in March, followed by females and cubs a few weeks later. With bears hungry and on the prowl for elk and bison that died over the winter, here’s a quick reminder to prepare and act accordingly in the field if you are out enjoying some spring skiing in the Tetons or surrounding ranges (we’ve got plenty of bears about to wake up here too). Carry bear spray, and know how to use it. Stay alert, and make plenty of noise while you are moving to alert any wildlife of your presence as not to startle them. Store your food properly, and if you see any wildlife, stay at least 100 yards away.

About The Author

stash member Teton Gravity Research

It all began with a dream and a little cash scraped together from fishing in Alaska... Since 1995, we've been an action sports media company committed to fueling progression through our ground-breaking films (37 and counting) and online content.

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This is one of the topics I always talk about my friends first when I ask them to go skiing or mountain climbing. We must always remember that the mountains are the bears home, and we are the visitors. Always take care of yourself! Septic Pumping

Be careful to all sports enthusiasts out there. Remember that these animasl treat the outdoors as their home and you should not harm them in any way. You shoudl be the one who does the avoiding game. Thanks for sharing this TGR! irrigation

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