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Dog Wishes Mom Would Hurry the F*** Up and Drop In Already

Monchoss the dog looks on anxiously as his mom greets a friend (and prolongs the wait for pow!!). Sam Morse photo. 

MOUNTAIN TOWN, USA — A powder-hungry pup grew restless Monday afternoon at the top of a well-known backcountry run when his human mother took longer than expected to drop in.

Onlookers reported that 57-dog-year-old Monchoss showed signs of growing irritability as local dog-mom Shania Mudd took over 37 minutes to make a phone call, greet friends, look for her semi-lost cell phone, adjust her binding, tighten her boots, triple check her avi gear, hold a safety meeting...then clip in.

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Passing skiers and snowboarders allegedly endured rough-and-tumble greetings and assertive licking at the paws of the anxious snow-frenzied beast.

In response, Mudd—distracted by a litany of bullshit—erupted at the pup several times with angry, emotional outbursts before manically turning back to her kit with a lighthearted giggle. Strangers told TGR under condition of anonymity that they were frightened of Mudd, and “wish(ed) she would control her dog”.

“You could tell that dog was just wanted there for the sake of #puppycrush,” concerned skier Mike Richter told TGR. “She was just bumbling around at the top of the bootpack, and her dog was going f***ing crazy with anticipation. It was sad!”

After dropping in, the bond between mother and beast on full, glorious display. 

From The Column: The Bumion

About The Author

stash member Sam Morse

TGR Editor-at-Large. author of The Ski Town Fairytale and creative behind The Bumion. Lover of steep-and-deep lines, long trails—and hot springs waiting in the distance.
