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Moon over the missile base

I felt the urge to visit odd places, and an old Nike missile base seemed to fit the bill. But, I was quickly losing light on the only day that I could do this. Then the shortcut turned out to be non-passable, and the short hike turned into a 8-kilometre trek on steep hills. In darkness. And, somebody had removed the ruins. Trip ruined? Not quite, the moon and the sea were wonderful in the darkness.

Also, I found a smiley!

Oddly enough, all Internet sources that I had read about this site indicated that I'd find buildings on the missile site, but they must have been recently removed. All that remained were the concrete slabs the buildings were built on top.

The site is on the Sweeney Ridge, a 1200-ft mountain range between the San Francisco airport and the Pacific Ocean. I learned about the place from the always excellent Atlas Obscura. The coordinates are N 37.613 W 122.459. There's good parking at the end of Sneath Lane on the east side of the ridge.

Views from the ridge, over the San Francisco airport below:

Graffiti on the concrete slab remains of the missile site:

Sunset from the ridge:

I don't know what this was about...

Sign at the site, with the added note about nothing left...

Concrete slabs, with moon above:

Fog on descent:

This article has also appeared in Blogspot. Read more urban exploration stories from! And follow all stories from t he Planetskier and Planetcaver at Blogspot and TGR. Photos and text (c) 2019 by Jari Arkko. All rights reserved.

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