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Parkin Costain on Backflipping Avalanches and Potato Guns

Parkin Costain has been quietly grinding to become one of the best skiers in game. Since his early teens he traveled and competed on the IFSA circuit and was also spending time in the backcountry filming clips with his dad.

He submitted the content to TGR's Grom Contest and QuickSilver's Young Guns, which he won. That lead to a spot filming for the yearly TGR movie and he's not looking back. 

Parkin Costain also talks about his desire to be a two sport athlete with Mountain Biking, building potato guns in Alaska and his love for fireworks.

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Low Pressure Podcast: The Podcast for Skiers

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The Low Pressure Podcast: The Podcast for Skiers is the #1 place to find real conversations with real people who love and dedicate their lives to skiing! Listen to a new show each week through the winter with your favourite skiers!

Amazing post. Thanks for sharing this amazing information.
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