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Thread: Ski Chile 2021

  1. #101
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Santiago Chile

    Ski Chile 2021

    No more haciendo cumbre on V Osorno

    No opening date either.

    Antillanca sez not enough snow, as they are now in phase 2 and could open.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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ID:	378182  

  2. #102
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Santiago Chile

    Ski Chile 2021

    Nevados de Chillan, making snow and opening a bunny run July 1 ( pista novicios, sector tío Willy).

    “Después de un invierno en que no pudimos recibirlos y gracias al esfuerzo de todos nuestros colaboradores, que forman parte de la familia Nevados de Chillán, anunciamos la apertura parcial de la temporada de invierno 2021.
    Lamentablemente las nevadas han sido insuficientes para abrir nuestras pistas de esquí con la calidad y seguridad que nos caracterizan. Sin embargo, gracias a la operación de los cañones de nieve y el trabajo de nuestro equipo de montaña hemos logrado habilitar la pista novicios, sector tío Willy.
    El punto de control de documentos y productos adquiridos será en la tenencia de Las Trancas. Revisa el Plan paso a paso acá para ver que documentos puedes llegar a necesitar. La encuesta de salud es obligatoria por vehículo que accede a Nevados de Chillán.”

  3. #103
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Santiago Chile
    Too bad the storm lord is napping

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    And note any recent snow info on snow forecast is algorithm generated. Exaggerated forecasts, exaggerated "last snowfall", and the alerts aren´t worth much either.

  4. #104
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Santiago Chile
    A booster, or third shot, is being discussed here now, with the objective of starting to roll it out for over 80's in Sept. Everything is on the table.

    Se analiza combinación de vacunas y falta definir cuándo sería necesaria: La posibilidad de una tercera dosis en ChileSegún las autoridades sanitarias, la próxima semana tendrán reuniones con expertos nacionales e internacionales

    Fuente: -

  5. #105
    Join Date
    Aug 2014
    Maule, Chile
    good to epic conditions here in the VII region

  6. #106
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Santiago Chile
    Good to see somebody is skiing.

    The current rainfall and deficits, going N-S are:

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  7. #107
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Santiago Chile

    Ski Chile 2021

    More on the progress of the mountain access issue, now getting more convergence between central and local govts, private interests, eco activists, andinistas, and so on. Good news, new rules should be forthcoming.

    Seems all this got an impulse from a vicious attack on a pro soccer player, trekking in the mountains near Farellones.
    Last edited by Casey E; 07-06-2021 at 10:38 AM.

  8. #108
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Santiago Chile
    In La Parva today, with Santiago on the left, Manantiales, Chimenea, Falso Parva, la Parva town and lower runs, and El Cono de El Colorado.

    Not much snow, highly weathered with some minor avalanches on steep south faces, warm. Low last night was +5C.

    Seems Leon chair in Colorado was pretty good today, but bureaucratic glitches kept folks back from an early start. Above 3,000m things are probably pretty good, but nothing is open much higher than that.

  9. #109
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Santiago Chile
    Just when you think there cannot be a nicer sunset, it happens.

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  10. #110
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Santiago Chile
    Portillos undated info on delay to Jul 31 opening

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    English version is unreadable

  11. #111
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Santiago Chile
    So La Parva is supposed to open most of the area on Monday. I am waiting until then.

    Manantiales looked skiable following some very narrow wind drift lines thru the mine fields. Too bad the signage is getting more aggressive.

    I have taken to snowshoeing the scrubby rocky lower slopes. Nice air, no people.

  12. #112
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Santiago Chile
    V Copahue is acting up again, and may be entering a new cycle.

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    Es importante destacar que de acuerdo con lo observado años anteriores, desde el año 2018 el volcán
    Copahue ha presentado ciclicidad en sus fases de inestabilidad, las que se destacan por presentar
    incremento en su actividad superficial a partir del mes de julio. Durante estos periodos, se ha observado
    aumento de las señales sísmicas, asociadas al abatimiento del lago cratérico, que es acompañado de un
    alza de las emisiones de SO2 y posterior incremento en la actividad superficial.
    Lo anterior sugiere que el proceso actual se asociaría a la fase temprana de un nuevo ciclo de actividad
    volcánica menor, por lo tanto, es esperable un incremento de la actividad superficial que involucrarían
    procesos como aparición de incandescencia nocturna y emisiones de cenizas, en concordancia con lo
    observado durante ciclos anteriores.
    Antillanca still waiting for more snow, but may open this week. They also are applying to open weekends.

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  13. #113
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Santiago Chile
    What to expect in La Parva tomorrow.

    Amazing the change in outdoorsmanship in pandemia. No lifts or services open, but dozens wandering the lift lines carrying skis, on snowshoes, BC, toboggans, etc. Unheard of. Runs are chunky hard snow, I think tonight they will be packed “smooth”. Off piste is a minefield.

    This is what quarantine looks like in Lo Barnechea.

    Too many pases de movilidad?

    Meanwhile, eastern Santiago has the smog packed on.

  14. #114
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Santiago Chile

    Ski Chile 2021

    Good day in La Parva. Las Vegas and Fabres closed, but 5 skiable lifts were available, all upper mountain. Basically one run each, except for Las Águilas chair, with 3.

    Windy early.

    Snow park has a ways to go.

    Cerro La Parva bowl looked ok.

    Some of the ugly avalanches mentioned earlier

    Overall, the 7 skiable runs were good packed powder. Kudos to the LP run maintenance crew. Rocks were appearing and the freezing level was far too high.

    The Manantiales upper bowl.
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ID:	378803
    Last edited by Casey E; 07-05-2021 at 07:26 PM.

  15. #115
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Santiago Chile
    Ski areas can now open weekends, first time since 2019.

    A partir del sábado 10 de Julio, los centros de ski podrán operar los fines de semana para recibir a los fanáticos del ski y snowboard.

    La Parva, El Colorado y Valle Nevado han informado por RRSS de la apertura los fines de semana para quienes tengan pase de movilidad.

    El control lo realizaría Carabineros de Chile de La Ermita, quienes revisarán que quienes suban cuentan con su pase de movilidad.

    El pase de movilidad, acredita que se han recibido las dos dosis de la vacuna contra el covid, que han pasado más de 14 días de ello, y que no se tiene covid

    Para subir debes residir en alguna comuna que se encuentre también en fase 2. (Toda la Región Metropolitana a partir del jueves 8 estará en fase 2).
    The southern ski areas have not announced weekend openings, but will likely do so this week.

    Time for a snow dance.

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    La Parva will survive making snow in the typical spots, maintaining access to the upper runs via Alpha chair, and using the "autopista del sol" run as the access back to the base. The lower runs are starting to hurt.

    Colorado has opened the upper lifts Copa, Pioneros y Cornisa, but not Cono Este. This is good news, even if they are surface lifts, because the best snow is above 3,000m.

    Valle Nevado opened Andes Express, which has a mostly southern exposure, and would be the only lift worth skiing there.

  16. #116
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Santiago Chile
    So the asamblea constituyente has begun, with difficulties. Poor govt planning in setting up the old congress building in downtown Santiago, different groups protesting, and various interruptions delayed but did not hinder the start of the show, and a Mapuche woman was elected to preside the affair.

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    Today the session was cancelled due to poor covid planning and lack of infrastructure in the old congress. Hopefully tomorrow they will session, otherwise the University of Chile has offered to host the show.

    Some street action yesterday.

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    It remains to be seen whether every day will be a circus or not.
    Last edited by Casey E; 07-06-2021 at 04:16 PM.

  17. #117
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Santiago Chile
    Business as usual on the ENSO front

    “ENSO Alert System Status: La Niña Watch

    Synopsis: ENSO-neutral is favored through the Northern Hemisphere summer and into the fall (51% chance for the August-October season), with La Niña potentially emerging during the September-November season and lasting through the 2021-22 winter (66% chance during November-January).”

  18. #118
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Santiago Chile

    Ski Chile 2021

    But on the reality front

    Las Águilas is WYSIWYG, Phenomenal groomers.

    Top of Las Tórtolas.

    Down Las Tortolas.

    Last edited by Casey E; 07-08-2021 at 01:16 PM.

  19. #119
    Join Date
    Feb 2007

  20. #120
    Join Date
    Jan 2006
    Not sure where Snowbrains is getting that from. Looks to me like Chilean border is closed till July 14, so will update in the next few days. Argentina till August 31.

  21. #121
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Santiago Chile
    Expect an announcement soon on border restrictions, but with the Delta freak-out peaking, nobody wants to wreck the plunging cases. I figure if there is no bad Sinovac / Delta news soon, opening up will start sometime late August.

    10 Delta cases entering Chile from US and other countries have been isolated in recent days.

    Hay que pasar Agosto, as they say.

  22. #122
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Santiago Chile
    Here are the changes to the COVID management "Paso a Paso" plan:

    Change in curfew, greater freedoms for vaccinated and focus on face-to-face classes: The main modifications to the Step-by-Step Plan
    (Googles version)

    Too much stuff to in there try to summarize. With 72% of adults fully vaccinated, even the suffocating curfew can be reduced to 12 midnight (from 10 pm), IF cases are <150/100,000 and 80% are vaccinated in the region in question.

  23. #123
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    I had dinner with Frank Coffee tonight, snow safety director for Portillo.

    He doesn’t seem to think there will be much of a season for foreigners this year.

  24. #124
    Join Date
    May 2014
    Santiago Chile
    Quote Originally Posted by Shredhead View Post
    I had dinner with Frank Coffee tonight, snow safety director for Portillo.

    He doesn’t seem to think there will be much of a season for foreigners this year.
    This is a killer for Portillo and Valle Nevado, the two areas most dependent on foreign tourists.

    Corralco, Chillan and Osorno now open on weekends, just in time for winter holidays.

  25. #125
    Join Date
    Jul 2015
    Well, looks like 2022 is the year . . .

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