"People blame me because these water mains break, but I ask you, if the
water mains didn't break, would it be my responsibility to fix them then?
- M. Barry,
Mayor of Washington, DC
Thunder Mountain is definitely on my to-do list. So is a nap.
I'm going to slay that trail . . . . in my dreams.![]()
A human being should be able to change a diaper, plan an invasion, butcher a hog, conn a ship, design a building, write a sonnet, balance accounts, build a wall, set a bone, comfort the dying, take orders, give orders, cooperate, act alone, solve equations, analyze a new problem, pitch manure, program a computer, cook a tasty meal, fight efficiently, die gallantly. Specialization is for insects.
Science-fiction author Robert Heinlein
Last edited by Arty50; 06-13-2008 at 03:35 PM.
"I knew in an instant that the three dollars I had spent on wine would not go to waste."
Nice Mr. AG! Damn I can't wait to get down there and ride. Gonna need my 2-ring setup working for that one though.
I'm so hardcore, I'm gnarcore.
Here's a couple from last weekend
Blue Mtn, looking over Missoula
Some smoove single track thru the balsamroot up Pattee Canyon
Don't call it a come back:
Photo Mike Chilcoat
Took the new camera out to hood river a weekend or two back. Here are a few I took before I realized that forgetting to take the polarizer off + low light = blurry riders.
That hood river stuff looks fun.
Didn't get much riding done this weekend.
But I did build a sweet new rack for the bikes.
Sundance this past weekend. Not super amazing, but way fun.
you sketchy character, you
One from yesterday.
A crappier shot from today.
Shortly after heard a loud *snap* sound. On the bike. Couldn't find anything, so rode on. No noise. A few minutes later, my drive side crank arm fell off. Oops. Never broke a crank bole before. A ride ender ~ 1/3 into what I'd planned for the day. Had a beer, went home and replaced the snapped bolt. Same cranks on two bike, so figured it'd be good to have a spare bolt kicking around in the parts bin...
current ventures:
<<| Downhill-Divas |>> social network for women's mountain biking, skiing & snowboarding!
Adventures in Search & Social Marketing
slave2gravity (white) came up to Tahoe for some riding w/ me (red) last Fri/Sat...
Emigrant Trail on Fri
Rest on the TRT from Brockway Summit to Tahoe City on Sat. Unfortunately the smoke/haze kept us from seeing those clear shots of the lake and surrounding mountains...
It's from an older ride. Haven't taken pics on a ride in a while.
Today at playtime:
Nice and smooth LZ on this one. Working up to one a little bigger than this in there, that has a bit of a gap that sketches me out.
IMO, this would have made a better drop from the rock up top, but then I didn't build the trail. Or maybe a skinnier skinny instead.
A side line - up the backside, then down the nose of the rock - right back onto the main trail.
Lotsa more good stuff in this area. It'll take some more exploring for me to figure out all the various loops and connections.
Great thread and great shots!
Lovin' Scrublover's first pic - we have alot of that kind of stuff here too (and riding it with fully rigid = pretty cool in my book, heh)
Here's a few ones I shot recently. I was riding solo this time, so no action shots...
Some more and bigger pics (just click on the pic) and a short descpription of the location can be found here: http://homeboyski.com/2008/06/12/mou...inola-finland/
(The post was quite unfinished as I was really busy...if someone REALLY is interested in riding in our country, shoot me a PM)
"Average summit heights are around 1000m to 1200m but on the high glaciers of the main Lyngen Peninsula there are summits over 1400m with Jiehkkevarri being the highest at 1834m above sea level."
I have enjoyed this thread so I thought I would resurrect it with some weekend pics. It was one of the bigger rides I have done in awhile, and so satisfying. 19 hours in the saddle over 2 days.
On the way back...
Bump cuz this forum has been lacking in ride pics lately. Git sum this weekend!
(my excuse - my PnS camera died a month or so ago...ugh)
I'm so hardcore, I'm gnarcore.
Don't think I've posted these?
Wifey and I had a wedding to hit south of Boston Saturday. Packed a bike along, and got a couple hours of zooming around the Vietnam trails kinda-sorta on the way home today.
Florence Nightingale's Stormtrooper
The object of my ongoing obsession, so much so I have been on only a handful of trail rides all summer. I would just rather go dirt jump. A line coming back is in the process of being built.
Oh, and this is in a city park, built by people hired by the city.
Only have the pano because I'm pretty much the only one there when I go. I guess the dirt jump crowd doesn't like early mornings.
Oh, wait, I did get this shot. My only company on a perfect Saturday morning..