I decided to venture out to White Ranch and battle the legendary front range crowds on Sunday am. This place is so played, I can't believe all the people here at 9:30am on a beautiful fall morning.

About 20 minutes in, I found a good place to stop and stretch before taking on the brutality section of Belcher Hill.

I had this on my mind going into the descent.
I put a good dent right near this weld on it's second ride ever. This summer, I've managed to add two more right in the same zone. I don't trash chainrings from smacking big, static stuff, I think its just well placed, well sized ricochets off the front tire. Riding from Ned to Boulder tomorrow, hopefully it'll hold up for that one.
edit" Oh yeah. 2008 XT cranks/rings are the shizzle fo dizzle. Best f.der shifting I've ever experienced.
A nice section of trail. Maverick rocks. I sing "Ride into the Danger Zone" while swooping through the tall golden grass.

One of my favorite views ever.

Its tricky because it presents itself just as you have to negotiate a tight switchback with a diabolically placed water bar. Serious thoughts about how much brake on each wheel, while trying to catch a peep....then when its done all I really want to do is ride through this section as fast as possible. Yesterday I stopped and took a picture...for you, for teh internetz.
After this I was running late for work, so no more pics, but I will end with a proclamation of my love for White Ranch: Maverick, Longhhorn and Shorthorn...soooo good.
Last edited by flowtron; 10-08-2007 at 10:18 PM.
"It's too bad that a lot of people have never experienced the feeling of rollerblading in the cool air of a summer evening"