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Thread: UK vs US Lens Prices

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2005

    UK vs US Lens Prices

    So I'm just browsing lenses really, not looking for anything seriously, but I'm comparing prices between the UK and the US...

    For example, Nikon 20mm f/2.8D:

    US Price (B&H Photo) $449.95

    UK Price (Bristol Cameras) £499.00

    With the current exchange rate, the price here is more than DOUBLE the US price.

    Time to start order from the US I think - even with shipping and taxes it would still work out cheaper.

    Just ranting really.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    HELLsinki, Finland
    Quote Originally Posted by majortom View Post

    So I'm just browsing lenses really, not looking for anything seriously, but I'm comparing prices between the UK and the US...

    For example, Nikon 20mm f/2.8D:

    US Price (B&H Photo) $449.95

    UK Price (Bristol Cameras) £499.00

    With the current exchange rate, the price here is more than DOUBLE the US price.

    Time to start order from the US I think - even with shipping and taxes it would still work out cheaper.

    Just ranting really.

    True, I guess it boils down to marketing...

    Thee problem you migth have will be wiht warranty... most "say" that they have a world wide warranty, but when you look into it... they often have 2 or 3 areas... USA, possibly Japan and rest of the world... So pray that the lens works and you have no need to warranty it.

    Also, when shopping for a lens, just ask if you can get a discount.. smaller firms often will work out a deal... Eg. I bought my Pentax K10d and Sigma 24-70/2.8 Macro EX from a local shop... the quoted price was ~1700 Eur. After same talking with the owner, I got the lens+body plus protector for the lens (Hoya digi-Pro or somehting like that 82mm) and Extreme III 1Gb card... all for ~1400 Eur, which in fact worked out to be cheaper than anywhere I could find in Yurp.
    Quote Originally Posted by RootSkier
    You should post naked pictures of this godless heathen.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Nov 2005
    Sure - both valid points; I know with some negotiation I'm sure I could get the price down a bit at a local dealer, although unlikely 30-40%. I've already got body etc, so don't need much in the way of accessories.

    Likewise with warranty, I appreciate there may be issues with products bought overseas, but at those prices, worst comes to the worst, I could buy a second lens and not actually be much (any) worse off than if I'd bought in the UK in the first place.

    I'm just ranting about "rip off Britain" again - not sure how the rest of Europe compares, but it just seems ridiculous that we should be expected to pay twice as much for the same thing.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Apr 2005
    HELLsinki, Finland
    Quote Originally Posted by majortom View Post
    Likewise with warranty, I appreciate there may be issues with products bought overseas, but at those prices, worst comes to the worst, I could buy a second lens and not actually be much (any) worse off than if I'd bought in the UK in the first place.

    I'm just ranting about "rip off Britain" again - not sure how the rest of Europe compares, but it just seems ridiculous that we should be expected to pay twice as much for the same thing.
    Rest of Yurp... about the same price range (you might be a tad more expensive than say France/Germany).... And to take the crown, welcome to Finland.
    Quote Originally Posted by RootSkier
    You should post naked pictures of this godless heathen.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    Alco-Hall of Fame
    2,997 guys pay about 60% of US retail prices on ski gear so I guess it all works out.
    "It is not the result that counts! It is not the result but the spirit! Not what - but how. Not what has been attained - but at what price.
    - A. Solzhenitsyn

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