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Thread: "The Turn"

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2003
    My armchair

    "The Turn"

    I haven't posted alot here this summer, not because I don't have anything worthy of posting - but more so because I'm truly tired of the "jack-ass-ed-ness" that takes over this place in the summer and the recent influx of new fucks that have'nt a fuckin' clue about what's up in the "real" world of skiing and are best left at

    anyways, I'll go ahead and stick it up and let the flamers flame away and once again contemplate calling it quits 'round these parts like so many more "old timers" from here i've heard say recently.

    "The Turn": tonight for the the first time since the middle of last november here in slc, i am feeling, smelling, sensing the first minor wave of what i will call "the turn". Kind of like the first wave that is slightly bigger than what has come, but is way smaller than what is to come of a tsunami (sorry for the horribly bad analogy - it was all i could think of). here in slc, the air has cooled consistently this past week to a sweet feeling low of 75 degs at 11 pm as i type this (down from almost 90 degrees of last week) and it smells of the great salt lake (indicating a cooling, refreshing nw flow - the kind of flow in the winter will without a doubt yield 2-3' of blower bounty that alta is known for).

    "The Turn" is like when the front wheel of your bike rolls over the final inch of uphill and all you've got left is miles upon beautifully, blazing fast, dust blowing, downhill miles after a sweat inducing, borderling puking uphill grind. it is like the half way point a long trail run when you make that 180 degree turn and all of a sudden, un-expectedly life looks completely different than it did a milli-second ago and is 10x better and your body feels 10x lighter and there is a new (second wind, induced) spring in your step. it is like pukering through the crux of a climb, pumped outta your gord, heart beating un-controllably fast and you know all you gotta do is stay focused and keep it together to the chains and all will be good. all incomposing, you've made it through the toughest part and all you've got to do is keep on keeping on - persever - and you will reap the bounty of the harvest.

    i haven't been climbing super strong this year yet (unlike last year at this time) and have been "slightly" discouraged thinking and partially believing my body has succome to that devil on the shoulder known as "old age". couple that with the new teasers - which are almost as bad as the actual premeires themselves - and you have one "turning" soul. throw in some McReynolds pow turns in the Respect teaser and my soul has fully and completley made "the turn". add to it the coolness in the air and thoughts of beginning ski specific training and my mind and body aren't to far behind.

    have YOU made the turn yet??? if not, how far are you from it?? your soul knows and it is surely closer than your mind or heart actually realize!!!
    Last edited by Xover; 08-03-2006 at 11:39 PM.
    "... she'll never need a doctor; 'cause I check her out all day"

  2. #2
    Join Date
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    Aspen, CO
    Yep, made it.

    Nice, Xbox

    can't believe I never made it out last year - ZG was just too good...
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  3. #3
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    amidst 5 mountains
    Since late May I've been riding my bike to work a couple of days a week and yesterday morning I rolled out of the house and headed down the highway and thought - "dang, it's cold and crisp this morning, just like a dawn patrol" Couple that with pulling out the "I am a skier" shirt that I wore on Monday and the 2-3 conversations rolling around the office about the ski season coming up I'd say the turn is happening.

    I'm feeling like that yard project, the garage project (building my tuning bench among other things) aren't going to get done unless I kick it in high gear. Winter will be here soon. I'm going to enjoy the next few months and roll into the season fit and ready.

    Good to hear you're getting the stoke. See you in the mountains later this month.
    "In the woods, we return to reason and faith. There I feel that nothing can befall me in life, — no disgrace, no calamity, (leaving me my eyes,) which nature cannot repair." -Emerson

  4. #4
    Join Date
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    My armchair
    ... and the air begins to thicken with stoke
    ... keep bringing it, for the love of ULLR, keep bringing it folks

    p.s. i'm going to go hook up the Stoke-meter to the amp-meter to give it the annual pre-season test to make sure it still works
    "... she'll never need a doctor; 'cause I check her out all day"

  5. #5
    Join Date
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    Hmmm, I guess I haven't turned yet. I threw a pair of skis in the garbage today, and will finally go climbing for the second time this summer with Xover tomorrow.

    So no, I haven't turned yet. But I'm not sure I ever turned away either.

  6. #6
    freaks~in~creeks Guest

  7. #7
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    Was UT, AK, now MT

    FUCK THAT! Just got an email from Powstash, he's training hard, his brain isn't bleeding, his house is done, and he's available to ski this year. Same goes for Xover. Always fun to shit talk non-stop in the skin track for 4k.

    Also psyched to hopefully make first turns with Iskibc in Mexico of all places. If he gets his shit together.

    Can't wait to ski with Stoy again. Raging the PC turns and hopefully Nebo.

    And Gramps is going to be stronger than a mofo this year with his work schedule. Watch out for that little bastard!

    And APD, if you have time, let's drag you away from hucking bombs for some turns across the road.

    Yup, I'm ready. Just have to get a little climbing out of the way first.

  8. #8
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    Well said X. I've really enjoyed just sleeping comfortably with the windows open and fan on the last few nights. The ski-thought conversations have definitely been floating around the office lately...especially putting together all the new winter product that's arriving daily. And staring at sick winter photos...

    But 'turning' too soon drives me crazy, so I'm gonna keep pushing myself on the bike as long as I can. And about the time I'm at my peak fitness and skill, it'll be time to re-learn how to ski again.

  9. #9
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    Actually, "the Turn" occurred on February 27, 2004 at Kirkwood. Deepest run of my life. On "the Turn" I was completely submerged and still didn't hit bottom.
    "I knew in an instant that the three dollars I had spent on wine would not go to waste."

  10. #10
    AKA is offline These meaasge boards suck
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    Hit the squat rack today.

    the turn happened last week.

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    I never 'turn away'. I'm the guy who enjoys summer but constantly longs for colder temps and falling snow. I watch at least 1 ski movie a week during the summer. More often than I do in the winter.

    And, as far as 'the turn' (in regards to weather) goes, it's about 50 degrees tonight and colder last night. Damn, I can't wait to see those first few snow flakes start to fall again!
    Ski Fast, Take Chances

  12. #12
    Rasputin's Avatar
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    4,700 the past week, the daytime temps here dropped about 15-20 degrees from what they had been previously, I've had several dreams about skiing.

    I was at a friend's house tonight showing him the beacon I just bought, and we tested it in his aparment. Later while drinking beers, he suddenly felt the need to walk over to the corner where his skis were, and put them in the middle of the floor so he could see them.
    I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things. -אלוהים אדירים

  13. #13
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    Quote Originally Posted by 'boat skier
    I never 'turn away'. I'm the guy who enjoys summer but constantly longs for colder temps and falling snow. I watch at least 1 ski movie a week during the summer. More often than I do in the winter.
    I, too, feel like I never "turned away" this year. It's been more like a suspended animation...a disbelief maybe. When I took my last turns in April, I think it did not register as that. I think deep down I felt that "I'll be doing this again next weekend."

    Well, next weekend has been a long time coming. But I've made good use of my time this summer. I've been training my bod harder than I have in 2 years. I've actually gained some weight, and muscle mass (which in my case is good!). And I'm looking forward to trying out this new "gear" when the snow flies--which is soon I keep on telling myself.

    I am trying to step up my fitness still another notch in the last leg now right before skiing starts again. I hope this season I can make a few important strides which I've either been putting off or simply unable to focus enough to commit to doing.

    I feel like a racehorse at the starting gate. I'm chomping at the bit and ready to go. Somebody open the gates already!

    "I call it reveling in natures finest element. Water in its pristine form. Straight from the heavens. We bathe in it, rejoicing in the fullest." --BZ

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    I think this thread just "turned" me.
    and talking to FJ yesterday about a poss WY trip
    still not sure how I am going to handle the ECski thing and it is still as hot as my nuts in velvet pants in the sun here; but the check's in the mail, and I am going to ski a lot of new places this year, and I hope a few old.
    see you there MR,
    and drive to Boise to see Josh R.
    that'll help

  15. #15
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    Since this past February, I have been focusing on nothing but getting into shape and making myself healthier. It has taken over my life and been something that is far more important than skiing or even thinking about skiing. I have been riding my bike better this year than any years in the past, pushing myself and making myself go up things I normally don't.

    That is what I do or what I have been doing. But...

    Last night we went up to Albion Basin and went to a place where there weren't a lot of people. We just sat there and looked at the backside and the castle-no talking, just quiet and cool. It is beautiful and I remember at that moment how much I miss skiing and how that "turn" has FINALLY happend and how I missed out on some good days skiing last season, but it was well worth it.

    This season, I will kill it.
    you sketchy character, you

  16. #16
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    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by AKA
    Hit the squat rack today.

    the turn happened last week.
    Same here, just last week I decided it's time to start working the legs again. I think the cool spell did it for a lot of people, the talk spontaneously turned to skiing several times at work this week.

  17. #17
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    The teaser cool temps this time of year begin a slow cycle of the turn for me. More akin to false peaks leading to the true summit. But the real apex occurs after Indian summer has started. The freezing temperatures begin to do their magic, if only for a few hours a day. Appreciation of the last of the warm days for a good long while. These days lasting and lasting 'til you begin to go crazy thinking it's never gonna begin to start snowing. The ground starts to freeze on certain aspects and you take a subconscious mental note of this & wonder what effects it'll have on the snowpak and the consequences of the avy cycles that it may or may not cause later.
    The "white ribbons of death" have appeared; you've maybe gone out on them a couple or three times. The legs burned, and you ache for some decent terrain. Maybe there's a little snow clinging to the north slopes, you even decide to trash some old sticks out there. But it's not ready... yet.
    Nothing you can do but sit back and wait. So you take it easy, on a whim you go for what must be that last hike through the forest of the season. It's not really a "hike" though. It is a recon mission for the up coming season... that line that you glimpsed from the road last winter... does it go?... how long is it?... does it connect to another?
    The day is warm, but nothing like that last one a mere few weeks ago. Something is different. The sky has an amazing hue of blue. The aspen leaves have all fallen. The smell of the air has a fresh damp smell to it. "Wow! This has to be the best time of year,” you think to yourself.
    Then it happens. The “turn” – the “real turn.” It comes into the high country and begins laying its winter wrap. Then only a day or two later, it does it again.
    By the time you get out again it is a different season. Like day and night. Almost instantaneously everything is transformed.
    It's not bad, considering there was almost nothing last week.
    And the best part is... It's only going to get better... for a long, long time.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    where it's steep and deep
    I haven't turned yet. Biking is too much fun at the moment to think too much about winter. Plus, I have another 10 days of climbing in Austria ahead of me.

    However, three events have almost "turned" me. First, those pictures klar posted from SA in the Snow for the Euros Thread clearly reminded of how great winter is going to be. Second, I have booked my Europe tickets for December 21st coming back to Boston only in late January. You can guess what I'm doing in that time. Third, the Head Monsters that Powstash hooked me up with have moved into a more prominent position in my new house.

    Xover - great read.
    Ein Berg ohne Absturzgefahr ist nur noch Attrappe. (Reinhold Messner)

  19. #19
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    about 120 days to day after thanksgiving. The ski season is very near. The turn has happened, and I am feeling much better.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    In the parking lot
    Very nice X. All well said. After a seemigly endless month of baking in the PNW, raging fires and sleepless nights I thought I felt it last weekend. Un sure, hard to believe. Way to early. Just a tease. Then Monique posts pics of the vine maple "turning". On August 1st! Incredible. And amazingly, I and my good friend have refered to this event as the "turn" for over a decade. Thanks for the much needed stoke.
    The snow doesn't give a soft white damn whom it touches.
    ~ e.e. cummings

  21. #21
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    Dude, you know how long it's been for me? No one wants it more than I do. Well maybe some guys stuck in Iraq or some other hell hole do. But no one posting about it here.

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Aug 2005
    Well said. I finally got the itch two days ago. I love the feeling of fall, the anticipation of the season to come.

    There is still biking to be had, an inevitable trip back to Chicago to start school--but this all means that winter will be here before we know it. Think snow.
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    I don't think I've ever seen mental illness so faithfully rendered in html.

  23. #23
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    I saw fresh snow on the high mountain peaks a couple days ago. This morning it is about 50 degrees, damp, and cloudy... very fallish. The turn has been initiated and will be made next week as I make my way to a ski town for the winter.

  24. #24
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    I have officially become basically frantic in the last week.

    The one major item on my summer to do list remains unfulfilled: sprinkler system. The problem with that is there's really only 2 weekends available for me to do that at this point either the 19th or the 26th, probably the 26th. Unfortunately I can't take time off from work around either w/e, actually I don't think I can take any time off until mid-sept . Plus, I still have some large cuts of meat that require a day on the smoker. After that though summer and downtime is flat done. No "free" weekend b/c starting 9/1 hunting season is here and that'll take me clean through until there's actual snow to ski with nary a thought of skiing. I do like the cooler weather although I think the garden would prefer the hot days.
    "It is not the result that counts! It is not the result but the spirit! Not what - but how. Not what has been attained - but at what price.
    - A. Solzhenitsyn

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Behind the Red-Head
    Hit the squat rack today
    hit it Tuesday....couldn't get out of the car this am. and of course the bar-pad was missing, so the spine-bruise is back. I hate doing legs.
    I have mastered all major sporting activities to a high degree of mediocrity.

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