I haven't posted alot here this summer, not because I don't have anything worthy of posting - but more so because I'm truly tired of the "jack-ass-ed-ness" that takes over this place in the summer and the recent influx of new fucks that have'nt a fuckin' clue about what's up in the "real" world of skiing and are best left at Gapicski.com.
anyways, I'll go ahead and stick it up and let the flamers flame away and once again contemplate calling it quits 'round these parts like so many more "old timers" from here i've heard say recently.
"The Turn": tonight for the the first time since the middle of last november here in slc, i am feeling, smelling, sensing the first minor wave of what i will call "the turn". Kind of like the first wave that is slightly bigger than what has come, but is way smaller than what is to come of a tsunami (sorry for the horribly bad analogy - it was all i could think of). here in slc, the air has cooled consistently this past week to a sweet feeling low of 75 degs at 11 pm as i type this (down from almost 90 degrees of last week) and it smells of the great salt lake (indicating a cooling, refreshing nw flow - the kind of flow in the winter will without a doubt yield 2-3' of blower bounty that alta is known for).
"The Turn" is like when the front wheel of your bike rolls over the final inch of uphill and all you've got left is miles upon beautifully, blazing fast, dust blowing, downhill miles after a sweat inducing, borderling puking uphill grind. it is like the half way point a long trail run when you make that 180 degree turn and all of a sudden, un-expectedly life looks completely different than it did a milli-second ago and is 10x better and your body feels 10x lighter and there is a new (second wind, induced) spring in your step. it is like pukering through the crux of a climb, pumped outta your gord, heart beating un-controllably fast and you know all you gotta do is stay focused and keep it together to the chains and all will be good. all incomposing, you've made it through the toughest part and all you've got to do is keep on keeping on - persever - and you will reap the bounty of the harvest.
i haven't been climbing super strong this year yet (unlike last year at this time) and have been "slightly" discouraged thinking and partially believing my body has succome to that devil on the shoulder known as "old age". couple that with the new teasers - which are almost as bad as the actual premeires themselves - and you have one "turning" soul. throw in some McReynolds pow turns in the Respect teaser and my soul has fully and completley made "the turn". add to it the coolness in the air and thoughts of beginning ski specific training and my mind and body aren't to far behind.
have YOU made the turn yet??? if not, how far are you from it?? your soul knows and it is surely closer than your mind or heart actually realize!!!