post pictures of your doggie here!
labs pwn
Staffies Pwn alllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll![]()
i miss my flatcoat SOOOOO MUCH!!!
Three fundamentals of every extreme skier, total disregard for personal saftey, amphetamines, and lots and lots of malt liquor......-jack handy
Here's Edgar. This pic is almost 1.5 months old, he's grown alot since then. He'll be 3 months old tomorrow morning! He's already caught 2 squriells... Demon in the making.
After a haircut....
On his way to a bath...
This touchy-feely Kumbaya shit has got to go.
hundie percent pure. Read all about him here:
the only picture I could find of her, I need to take more now that she is getting pretty old.
Preserving farness, nearness presences nearness in nearing that farness
Mandy is awesome! You'd think she is 3 or 4. And she doesn't take crap from anyone!Originally Posted by nick > jesus
One more...
Your right Adam we don't need another dog stoke thread.
How about a what ski should I buy thread or perhaps a waah my parents won't let me ski cause I am to stupid to get decent grades thread.
Kessler is growing like a weed.
Easter pic
And one charging the pow
"When the child was a child it waited patiently for the first snow and it still does"- Van "The Man" Morrison
"I find I have already had my reward, in the doing of the thing" - Buzz Holmstrom
"THIS IS WHAT WE DO"-AML -ski on in eternal peace
"I have posted in here but haven't read it carefully with my trusty PoliAsshat antenna on."-DipshitDanno
Wow your dog looks a lot like mineOriginally Posted by P_McPoser
Reese and Nala
Nala post leg amputation
Pre injury
Aren't they cute
fighting gravity on a daily basis
WhiteRoom Skis
Handcrafted in Northern Vermont
Attachment 12332
Here's a pic of my boys: Gato, Dooley and Bear Dog
Sorry for adding a pic with a cat on a dog thread, but he was raised by a pit bull and hasn't really caught on that he is a cat.
Here is my new cat, Charlie Murphy aka the darkness
He is crazy.
Great thread. Dogs Rule. (Adam drools).
Both of my Goldens are from Wyoming.
Here's Huck as a 3-week old pup.
Huck and his litter in Wyoming (he's the one standing in the center looking at the camera).
Huck schralping some license plate blower at home in PC.
Cooper is the old guy with the season pass.
Coop in Ketchum last summer.
Cooper had cancer but we had it removed.
Here's Tasker, my 1.5 yr old yellow lab. I've got a black 1.5 yr old lab too, but I can't figure out how to get the files small enough to show him as well.
Last edited by Lloyd Christmas; 04-23-2006 at 09:06 AM.
My 9yo Yellow Lab Willie in her element - wet is better than dry and muddy is best of all!
buddy's like "the fuck you want?"
Last edited by The Jackamo; 04-19-2006 at 01:23 PM.
"...And my quarter is ruined. My business lost about 200K in revenue.
On a positive note, I did save some money on car insurance by staying with GEICO..."
Well... He is a golden, be it a little muddy and wet.
Since then it's been a book you read in reverse, so you understand less as the pages turn.
The things you find on the net.
Mia, after a particularly deep run.