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Thread: Mantra Type Ski That Doesn't Delaminate?

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Apr 2014
    Bay Area / Tahoe

    Mantra Type Ski That Doesn't Delaminate?

    Been debating pick up a Mantra M7 or M102 as my hard snow ski for Tahoe/Palisades. I demo'd the 184cm M102 last year and loved them, M6 was good but not as fun. M7 might be improved enough to go to that. Just a really awesome combination of powerful charger but still able to release and get sideways if needed, so long as you were driving them. Harder I pushed the more energy and response I got back. This is for hardtack only, no new snow, mid-winter type skiing. Ice, hardpack, some refreeze, lot of bumps and ripping through variable groomers. I like to go fast and need a heavy damp ski, but I do enough moguls that being quick there is a priority too. For that reason was maybe going to size down in the M102 to 177cm (5'10 200-215lbs), but probably not the M7.

    I have 187cm J Skis Masterblasters (latest 99mm version) which are really fun and damp in anything soft, but they definitely can't hold much of an edge in icy conditions, particularly if I get to forward on them (tails wash out). They're a great slushy spring skiing ski.

    That all being said, was looking through reviews on here, SkiTalk, Reddit, Blister - Holy Delam batman. So many reports of delamination for the Mantra series, usually behind the heel. Never seen so many reports of defective skis, I don't really want to have to worry about/deal with that. To be fair I usually stick to indy ski brands known for their durability (ON3P, Praxis, J Skis, Moment) for my powder-ski heavy quiver, but still.

    What other skis in the 85-100mm range have a similar feel and performance as the M102 or M7 in firm conditions? I couldn't care less about soft snow performance.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2023
    Did you not like the J Ski Fastforward? 92mm and two sheets of metal.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Didn’t try them, but don’t think they have the edge grip I’m looking for. Too similar to the Masterblasters (which I’m keeping)

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  4. #4
    Join Date
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    Find a set of bonafides. They are super solid, smooth, powerful and don’t delam. Easy to slide on firm snow but not so much in the soft. Probably floating around for cheap since they are discontinued.

  5. #5
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Muggydude View Post
    What other skis in the 85-100mm range have a similar feel and performance as the M102 or M7 in firm conditions? I couldn't care less about soft snow performance.
    There are 3 other skis in this range from HL that I'm considering for this role.

    After ordering the ROneTen I sold my Mantra One-O-Two because I predicted I'd never ski it again. While it did ski firm snow well, it's not a firm snow ski, per se. Firm snow seemed like a silly reason to keep it. I'm glad I sold it as I had kind of lost my mojo with Volkl after more than two decades of being a major fan. That 2020 Mantra was really annoying. And while the Three-D radius did gain points for versatility, it lost them for intuitiveness. then they went to Four-D radius. WTF?

    All that to say this-- try an HL build if you haven't already.

  6. #6
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    Mantra Type Ski That Doesn't Delaminate?

    I was looking at the RC-eighty-five and RC-ninety-five but I wasn’t sure how those compare to something like the Mantra. I don’t want something too directional/demanding or that will be difficult in bumps and trees. I don’t ever really spend a day just bombing groomers, I almost always get bumps in. The HL R-eighty-seven looks interesting and maybe more up my alley, but it’s not being made anymore/was only a limited run
    Last edited by Muggydude; 01-22-2025 at 10:13 AM.

  7. #7
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    I hate to break it to you, but your imoji trick didn’t work on my desktop.

    None of that worked any better than all the tech that Volkl decided to inject into their skis.

    Anyway. Just buy an AMOneHundred and end your decade long search.

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  8. #8
    Join Date
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    There's a whole thread on the Bonafide ninety-seven. The twenty twenty four version is what you want.

  9. #9
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  10. #10
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    my 102s are awesome and no delam. but who the f knows
    Do I detect a lot of anger flowing around this place? Kind of like a pubescent volatility, some angst, a lot of I'm-sixteen-and-angry-at-my-father syndrome?

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  11. #11
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    I've never owned a pair of Stockli or Kastle delay....although Kastle chips. I would say that MX89, 99 and Stockli SS95, 102, 105 are good bets.
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  12. #12
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    Third season on one-o-twos w/o delam issues. Kiddo has secrets w/o issues. For me, I find the one-o-twos to perform well on firm snow and moguls. They can be a great quiver of one, but firm snow type is not their super power. Something narrower (under eighty) would shine more in firm snow.

  13. #13
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    Mindbender ninetynine is a cheap option. Also hear that the armada declivity x is a great ski, but more expensive.

  14. #14
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    Funny, I just looked down from a chair and saw somebody skiing a Mantra with the first 10 or so inches of metal fully delaminated and just flopping around above their tips...

  15. #15
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    Mantra Type Ski That Doesn't Delaminate?

    I’ve been using the M one o two for five years now as a daily driver in Tahoe with no issues. It is a hefty ski that demands to be driven hard, but well worth it.

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    Last edited by KJA64; 01-22-2025 at 06:49 PM.

  16. #16
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  17. #17
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    what's orange and looks good on hippies?

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  18. #18
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    There has to be a Heritage Lab thread on this. Check one of the thirty.
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  19. #19
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  20. #20
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    Quote Originally Posted by goldenboy View Post
    Haven't skied it, but the Blizzard Origin 102?
    Do you mean Anomaly 102? That line came to mind, after bonafides.

  21. #21
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    Mantra Type Ski That Doesn't Delaminate?

    At the demo day I went to two seasons ago I was less than impressed on the Nordicas and Blizzards I tried. Of the name brand skis I tried the Volkl’s were a step above, although I liked the Salomon stance one-zero-two

    Haven’t tried black crows or stockli.

    Currently leaning toward the HL RC Eighty Five, but won’t be available til next season which is a bummer

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    Last edited by Muggydude; 01-23-2025 at 03:49 PM.

  22. #22
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  23. #23
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    Not sure why reply with quote doesn't work anymore but yes chicken feathers, I meant to say Anomoly 102.

  24. #24
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    Mantra Type Ski That Doesn't Delaminate?

    While I think the current Volkl Mantra lineup fits my style better, the updated Nordica Enforcers are really close. Don’t discount them based on experience with previous models.
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  25. #25
    Join Date
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    Kind of had to laugh at this thread. I remembers my Mantras delaminating like 15 years ago. I thought they would have fixed that by now!

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