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Thread: Tandem

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Feb 2005


    Anyone ride tandem with their Mrs? My wife needs to restart her cycling and has slowed down quite a bit physically and I think this is a good way for us to get things going again. Travel at the same speed, relax, and just enjoy the ride together. She's kinda cold to the idea of a tandem. Has anybody had to convince their other to do this? Success? Failure?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Oct 2005
    The old saying is: "Wherever your relationship is going, it will get there faster on a tandem". They are not for everyone, and if she's not stoked on on her own it I'd tread VERY cautiously.

    That said, others who didn't heed this advice abound, so you can get a nice tandem for really cheap. We're looking for a touring one, but since we're the same height it's a little harder, as many of them are built for much shorter stokers.
    ride bikes, climb, ski, travel, cook, work to fund former, repeat.

  3. #3
    Join Date
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    Access to Granlibakken
    As long as you’re ok with the local shop starting a betting pool on how soon you’ll divorce, go for it!

    Srsly though what riding are you talking about? Paved bike paths? Can she handle an ebike ok? That’s the go to solution these days.
    Know of a pair of Fischer Ranger 107Ti 189s (new or used) for sale? PM me.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Get her an ebike

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Sep 2018

    We were given a tandem that my wife’s parents were no longer using maybe 20 years ago. I think we’ve ridden it twice.

    Not for us. We ride together all the time but not on that thing. But it was kind of ok when I rode it with our kids for the differential power problem you state. Though that was also very rare.

    See if you can borrow one first to try it. Might be great. Might be terrible.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Jul 2005
    I'm with the last 2 posters. Seems like a perfect excuse to pick up an ebike. She'll get a workout and can decide how much assist she wants and can ride it with or without you.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Dec 2009
    We've owned 2 tandems. First one when the kids were babies and pulled a Burley. Decent fun, but lots to wrangle. 2nd was after the kids left the house (Salsa Powderkeg). Fun bike and excellent to ride, but again, the hassle of loading and my wife only being lukewarm to cycling (even solo), so we sold it.

    Recently bought an ebike for her and she loves it. We can easily ride the bike paths together, and she is more engaged in the process. Upsides also include ease of loading and smaller storage footprint. Tandem really requires a pickup for easy transport. After selling the Tandem, we sold the truck and got into #Vanlife.

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    Quote Originally Posted by frorider View Post
    As long as you’re ok with the local shop starting a betting pool on how soon you’ll divorce, go for it!

    Srsly though what riding are you talking about? Paved bike paths? Can she handle an ebike ok? That’s the go to solution these days.
    It would be all paved riding nice and easy. On the other hand we just had "the discussion" again. It aint gonna happen. Her words: "you are way more into this than I am. I'll let you know when Im ready to start riding again. And don't go buying one of those bamboo things, they are ugly." Quite a few years ago I almost had her on my side to try the tandem thing and was thinking of building a Calfee bamboo tandem for us. I initially showed her a picture and her words were "that's the ugliest fucking thing Ive ever seen". There is no second guessing what she is thinking at any given moment.

  9. #9
    Join Date
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    Bottom feeding
    Yeah, get an ebike they said..
    Well maybe I'm the faggot America
    I'm not a part of a redneck agenda

  10. #10
    Join Date
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    northern BC
    see if you can rent an E-bike to try
    Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    BC to CO
    We use to rent a Tandem at our shop in Whistler, we called it the Divorcycle.
    It was an Electra Cruiser with beach bars and coaster brakes. It was eventually destroyed by a mid 30's tourist couple who's ride on the casual gravel path took a wrong turn onto
    "Hydro Hill", a steep loose gravel trail with a sharp left hander at the bottom.
    The couple walked 3 miles back to the shop with bloody and gravel filled knees and elbows, dragging a bike with a folded handlebar and the fender jammed between the frame and tire.

    That was the end of our relationship with the Divorcycle, (and possible the relationship of the tourist couple).
    I bought some new beach bars, removed the fenders, and sold it.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2005
    We have an old Puch moped that I can get running again. Same thing right?

  13. #13
    Join Date
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    Park City
    Wife and I used to ride tandem a ton. Now collects dust. Definitely need a LOT of communication, even things like a road break needs to be called out so she doesn’t get her taint crushed.
    I rip the groomed on tele gear

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Dec 2007
    Hell Track
    Oh man, this is definitely what you need:

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Dec 2008
    Here on the coast of Maine we also call the tandem sea kayak a divorce boat. Proceed with caution

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  16. #16
    Join Date
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    northern BC
    I paddled a tandem with a ski bud we would drink lots of coffee get pretty stoned and paddle quite fast but between us we had 80-90m yrs of WW paddling so never any problem with the style of paddling

    but his wife trys to paddle too fast so he got her a slightly longer paddle to slow her down but still they do some pretty big routes, I can't imagine being in a tandem for months on end with that woman
    Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Treading Water
    Invented a tandem with my wife in Singapore last year. It was a humorous experience. One and done. There is zero reason to think it’s a good idea unless both people are really stoked on it and know what they’re getting into.
    As mentioned by almost everyone; this has Ebike written all over it.
    Specifically, get her to parking lot test one. No big ride. Just ride around for a few minutes.
    If that gets the expected giggles and newfound enthusiasm, then proceed with a proper rental. BUT, it has to be on her terms.
    My wife is a total shredder. But it’s been a years long lesson on how she’s not a dude who wants to compete with me and try to do everything I do. When I ride with her, it’s to ride with her. It’s not for her to ride with me.

    Sent from my iPhone using TGR Forums
    However many are in a shit ton.

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    Bottom feeding
    We have a tandem and never use it. A long time ago we rented one and had a blast, so fast forward to a couple years ago, and a friend was selling theirs, so I bought it for cheap. We've used it thrice. Visiting friends nearby with wine in the bottle cages is its main purpose.
    So...I'm a cyclist and my wife was not. She now kinda likes it, and is pretty strong. Nonetheless, I still will ride ahead on hills, come back, and redo the hills to match up with her. I doubt we will ever get ebikes unless we get really cheap or free ones for the same way we use the tandem, but beach cruiser style would work just as well. Seems like she doesn't wanna ride bikes. Oh well.
    Well maybe I'm the faggot America
    I'm not a part of a redneck agenda

  19. #19
    Join Date
    Sep 2004
    A neighbor gave me a tandem a few years ago, with the caveat that I could not return it. IIRC it was a circa 1994 Burley mountain bike with 26" wheels and cantilever brakes, had been ridden once, and was like new. I tuned it up, and it sat for a couple of years.

    Mrs C refused to ride it.

    Eventually sold it to somebody who drove up from Fresno to buy it. He was incredibly stoked. I was happy to see it get out of my shed.
    Quote Originally Posted by powder11 View Post
    if you have to resort to taking advice from the nitwits on this forum, then you're doomed.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    northern BC
    tandems are right up there with recumbents
    Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know

  21. #21
    Join Date
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    I yo-yo’d with a couple riding a tandem in the Shenandoah Mountain one hundred. They were in good spirits the whole time. Nice folks, older. The wife was pretty hot and clearly a badass. My takeaways were fuck that, they were clearly masochistic weirdos, and that she was a keeper.
    Remind me. We'll send him a red cap and a Speedo.

  22. #22
    Join Date
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    northern BC
    aren't tandems faster on the flat cuz there is less wind resitance but then slower on climbs ??
    Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know

  23. #23
    Join Date
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    BC to CO
    One more Tandem story, then I'll leave this thread alone.
    One afternoon in the bike shop I see a customer I know walk in. Right away I head toward the front of the store to greet him.
    This customer is legally blind and had his service dog with him. I've know him for years, he lost his sight in mid 40's, and was a kick ass skier and super high level cyclist in his day.
    Long story short he needed a new helmet, we joked about him not caring what it looked like. I pulled a few off the shelf, left him to be while he chose the one that fit him the best. Once he decided on a new helmet he let me know he was done and I walked him to the cashier.
    I introduced him to the young, female, 20ish blond cashier at the checkout. She was ditsy and gitty and asked to pet his dog, he had to explain he's a working dog and she should n't pet him. I made sure my customer had what he needed, and walked away at that point to take care of something in the back of the shop.
    I got busy elsewhere in the store and went back to the cashier 15 minutes later. The blonde cashier was so intrigued "So he's totally blind?", "And he needs a bike helmet?" I explained to her how he had lost his sight in adulthood, and was a really good cyclist in his younger years and still loves to ride a bike. I explained to her that he rides on a tandem in the back seat, and is peddling really hard, and that they go super fast and that they have even won a bunch of racers.
    She was super excited and impressed, then she had a strange look on her face and looked me straight in the ear and asked...... "HOW DOES THE DOG REACH THE PEDALS?"
    She honestly thought his seeing eye dog was the lead tandem driver! Me and a few other guys I the shop never let he live that one down. No he rides on a tandem with Greg, you know Greg.
    End of Tandem stories from me.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Feb 2014
    Our boy will make a comment at least once a bike ride about me sitting in his Thule seat and he getting to pedal. I have redirected that enthusiasm to endless toddler speculation about when we get a tandem. I hope he stays just as excited, by 12 or so he will be big enough for me to be his stoker.

    A friend helped my wife build a city bike exactly as she wanted. My only involvement was that I had the right size frame for her that I had originally bought for the parts. She rides infrequently but is always happy about going for a spin when she decides it’s the right time.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Nov 2017
    Another vote for an ebike, it's the right solution.

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