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Did the shop get any of these monstrosities from Salomon as well?
I wonder if I need to stock up on extras of my 4 buckle boot that currently fits me well and zipfits go easily in and out of. As it seems like manufacturers are intent on pushing the BOA, and buckle versions may go the way of the dodo.
My problems with BOA are:
- it seems like it's trying to salvage an ill fitting, too large boot. I spend a ton of time with my bootfitter to get the fit around my ankle and instep (where the shin curves into the foot) form fitting and without any empty space. Once that portion of the fit is right, my forefoot is actually pretty loose, for all day comfort and warm toes. I don't need nor want the "wrapping" sensation around the forefoot that the BOA marketing materials claim.
- buckles 1 (toe) and 4 (top of cuff) are pretty loose, whereas buckle 3 (lower cuff) is very tight, and buckle 2 (instep) is moderate. Seems like BOA just tightens everywhere uniformly and can't support differential pressure at different points like my buckle setup.
- Once my fit is dialed I just leave the buckles at their correct (for me) settings and never have to fiddle with them again. With the BOA can you ever get back to the exact same setting every day without a lot of fiddling, tightening, and loosening back and forth?