Results 626 to 650 of 1005
12-11-2024, 09:59 AM #626
Solid argument, as always. Zero facts. Just insults. Many such examples, unfortunately
No wonder you gave a big thumbs up to the murders brief manifesto that contained easily checked mistakes about the list of top companies. Once you fall in love with the murder game it’s easy to lose sight of reality
12-11-2024, 09:59 AM #627
That's some bad back pain, that's a bit different than the incel red/black pill types. Wonder how much drug dependence was involved. Sidenote: don't really associate Jordan Peterson with incel ideology. His message is one of traditional family: get married, have kids.
Originally Posted by blurred
12-11-2024, 10:05 AM #628Originally Posted by MultiVerse;[emoji[emoji6[emoji640
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12-11-2024, 10:05 AM #629
Both Luigi and his mother were prescribed pain meds including oxy
What am I wrong about? One source referenced average pay, another source referenced median pay, and another top pay. Are these concepts beyond your understanding? Each source also lists pay for a different year. So it looks like the top paid specialties changed from 2017-to-2024. There's also regional variation. You might know what specialists get paid in your area, but that's not necessarily the same in other regions
12-11-2024, 10:09 AM #630
So first, fuck off. I’m not in love with the murder game and a glib post about the manifesto isn’t a rave review. Even when you’re claiming the high road you can’t help yourself with insults of your own.
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12-11-2024, 10:12 AM #631
United Healthcare CEO shot to death in front of NYC investor meeting
Anesthesiologists have never been paid more than orthopedic and neuro surgeons, those other surgical specialists in the 36 years that I’ve worked with them. So you’re wrong even though you can google and have healthcare workers in your family. It’s okay to admit it.
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12-11-2024, 10:14 AM #632
Right, I respond to insults with insults. If you want to have a polite discussion then I'll happily engage with you on that level. We'd all be better off that way
That wasn't my opinion. That was based on a US News report. The fact that you or someone else fact checked that detail doesn't bother me one bit. That's how these things are supposed to work. My question is, why do you think it's material to the discussion?
Now look at the murderers manifesto:
- He got the U.S. company market cap list wrong
- He vastly overstated the role of insurer profits in astronomical US healthcare spending
- He ignores all the other things about America having nothing to do with healthcare that lowers life expectancy
- He killed a person
Those things are material to the discussion
12-11-2024, 10:26 AM #633
United Healthcare CEO shot to death in front of NYC investor meeting
It’s not material to this discussion. It’s material to the fact that you regurgitate online content continuously and pose as an expert on everything.
As I said before, you’ll never admit that you’re wrong and this exchange proves that. “It’s someone else’s mistake, I was just repeating it”.
I’ll never have a polite discussion with you, even if we were to meet someday.
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12-11-2024, 10:31 AM #634
I've never claimed to be an expert and the fact that I posted updated information positively shows that I'll admit to being wrong. How is that not obvious? I.e., here's a different source and here's the BLS data. I mean, you quite literally used my updated source to argue my previous source was wrong and that's why, by your logic, I'll never admit to being wrong /lol
12-11-2024, 10:36 AM #635j'ai des grands instants de lucididididididididi
12-11-2024, 10:42 AM #636
You could just post “Hey, I was wrong about that “ instead of what you posted above. You know, concise and to the point like Luigi.
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12-11-2024, 10:42 AM #637
What? JP talks about enforced monogamy as a social good, as in polygamous marraige should be illegal.
I agree insofar as state sanctioned polygamy being caustic to society, and that legally prohibiting polygamous marraige is valid insofar as barring rights and privelages granted by government to married people.
How is that incel?Originally Posted by blurred
12-11-2024, 10:47 AM #638
Get a fucking room you two
12-11-2024, 10:56 AM #639
That happened many pages ago. You're the one who is weirdly fixated on it.
In any event, on the remote chance anyone still cares (apologies to Buzzworthy & riser4) note the relatively low median salary shown by US News compared with other source's use of average salary:
When the median is lower than the average (mean), it indicates that data is skewed towards higher values, meaning there are a few significantly high values that are pulling the average upwards. It's kinda like CEO pay in that sense
12-11-2024, 10:58 AM #640
12-11-2024, 11:12 AM #641“When you see something that is not right, not just, not fair, you have a moral obligation to say something. To do something." Rep. John Lewis
Kindness is a bridge between all people
Dunkin’ Donuts Worker Dances With Customer Who Has Autism
12-11-2024, 11:23 AM #642
12-11-2024, 11:24 AM #643
12-11-2024, 11:33 AM #644
14-16 years of school, med school, residency, fellowship, massive medical debt, sacrificing your prime youth years to an education to serve humanity in a meaningful way.
Next google how many hours per week + call time (minus optho/derm) those specialties are on the hook for.
I think their pay is commensurate with their expertise and benefit to humanity.
12-11-2024, 11:34 AM #645
Yeah, but now do dentists.
12-11-2024, 11:49 AM #646
Yes. An anesthesiologist’s job is even worse when it comes to long hours and call. It’s not just surgery but time in OB, cath lab, GI lab and ICU. I think they have the worst call of any specialty.
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12-11-2024, 11:52 AM #647
12-11-2024, 11:54 AM #648
12-11-2024, 11:56 AM #649
I cannot speak to Jordan Peterson with any expertise.
Rather than any actual “Incel” ideology with its extremes blame of and violence against women, I am thinking about that young testosterone filled male who isnt getting any physica/ sexual and emotional gratification/connection with partners. “involuntarily celebate” with a lower case i. Whether it was his back pain or social issues, I think that it can push men to extremes. In this case it could have driven him down further into a dark hole of plotting violent revenge.
12-11-2024, 11:59 AM #650
Every point you mention is discussed in the article. If people think the benefit is worth the cost then the people have spoken. When people blame health insurance for high medical cost however, it just isn't so. UHC's net profit margin is about 6-percent, half the average of the S&P 500.
Other insurance campaniles are less profitable. If UHC and other insurers eliminated all overhead, the U.S. government eliminated all administrative costs and we only had administrative expenditures from healthcare providers it would only save about $680 per person relative to other countries.
The reason why health care is so expensive in America is because "the U.S. spends twice as much as comparable countries do on health, driven mostly by higher payments to hospitals and physicians." If people want to pay less for health care, national health insurance with strong negotiating power is one way to do it.