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Thread: United Healthcare CEO shot to death in front of NYC investor meeting

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Oct 2003

    United Healthcare CEO shot to death in front of NYC investor meeting

    I sense a disturbance in the force, as if a million voices cried out to say, "someone beat me to it!"

    Broad daylight, 7am mid-town Manhattan, no arrests... wonder if the investigating NYPD also have been fucked by UHC.

    Seriously... I expect to see more of these targeted revenge killings.

    Your company made 6 Billion dollars in profit by doing its very best to fuck over someone's loved one in their time of need?
    Eventually someone's surviving loved one will come for you...
    Or maybe a cancer patient denied treatment will take you down with them?
    Or... just so many ways United and other insurers fuck people for profit.

    Alternate theory: how does a BOD "fire" a CEO without paying the for the golden parachute...
    Quote Originally Posted by blurred
    skiing is hiking all day so that you can ski on shitty gear for 5 minutes.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Watching over the valley
    Not a big fan of people getting shot.

    That said, fuck United Healthcare.

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    I'm not endorsing murder, but calling out the reality: if you fuck enough people hard enough in the worst way, some of them are going to come at you. It is inevitable.

    Expect your insurance rates to go up to pay for the armed executive security details all the insurance execs will now demand.
    Quote Originally Posted by blurred
    skiing is hiking all day so that you can ski on shitty gear for 5 minutes.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Dec 2005
    Watching over the valley
    Agreed. The health insurance industry is a cancer on society.

  5. #5
    Join Date
    Aug 2018
    beaverhead county
    swing your fucking sword.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by basinbeater View Post
    Agreed. The health insurance industry is a cancer on society.
    Yea and they denied the pre-auth for treatment (see also, lobbyists).
    Quote Originally Posted by blurred
    skiing is hiking all day so that you can ski on shitty gear for 5 minutes.

  7. #7
    Join Date
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    shadow of HS butte

    United Healthcare CEO shot to death in front of NYC investor meeting

    Quote Originally Posted by summit View Post
    I'm not endorsing murder, but calling out the reality: if you fuck enough people hard enough in the worst way, some of them are going to come at you. It is inevitable.
    And it goes way beyond HC…

    The notion you point out is existential and I’d be lying if I hadn’t thought about it before. The basis is a set of ruling elites that exploit people to the point of uprising, it seems like that is the bottom line for most corporations, venture capital, etc. I mean, it’s happened throughout history, just a different flavor this time around.

  8. #8
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    Quote Originally Posted by east or bust View Post
    a set of ruling elites that exploit people to the point of uprising, it seems like that is the bottom line for most corporations, venture capital, etc. I mean, it’s happened throughout history, just a different flavor this time around.
    I think what is so unique about health insurance is how brazen it is. Their implicit business model is to promise to take your money now as a promise to take care of you later if you need it, but their explicit business model is to then unambiguously and ruinously fuck you over in a variety of truly galling and infuriating ways at your most vulnerable. It's not even a secret. It's not obfuscated. It is clear as a fucking bell, and then they hold out their hand for more of your money (if you survive) and you literally have no choice.
    Quote Originally Posted by blurred
    skiing is hiking all day so that you can ski on shitty gear for 5 minutes.

  9. #9
    Join Date
    Jan 2019
    20 feet away? That was some good shootin'.

  10. #10
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    Oct 2008
    Not to get too political, and it’s misdirected, but the angst of voters about the feeling of hopelessness and anger towards powerful corporations and how they trod all over society is what led to the results of this election cycle. Of course it’s two sides of the same coin, all politicians have their hands in the pockets of corporations. People will, hopefully, have an epiphany and take the power away from corporations and give it to the people(society).

    Sent from my iPhone using TGR Forums

  11. #11
    Join Date
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    Moose, Iowa
    I'm still bent about the several month battle we had with UHC after my daughters birth. They wouldn't pay the hospital bill because we supposedly hadn't got pre approval. But we had, I was there when the desk clerk phoned UHC when we arrived. After several months, they finally admitted, we didn't even need pre approval for a birth stay under our policy. And they finally paid. Assholes.

    After my wife's bike accident they haven't paid shit for the year we were covered by them. Thank god for Wellmark.

    The suspect list for this murder has to be the longest in history.

    Also, jumping the gun here probably, but the health care crisis stands to only get worse now. No chance our democratic process with solve these problems in the near future. Unfortunately, when democracy fails, violence rears its ugly head.

    If oligarchs are running the country, they become targets. Look no further than the constant stream of dead Russian businessmen.

    RIP. One of the reasons my politics are what they are is because I'm horrified by exactly this type of outcome (we don't know the motive yet obviously, grievance, crypto gang, personal or otherwise).

  12. #12
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    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by I Skied Bandini Mountain View Post
    20 feet away? That was some good shootin'.
    Well, shooter hit him in the leg, and sounds like missed some as well, before scoring the fatal chest hit.
    Quote Originally Posted by blurred
    skiing is hiking all day so that you can ski on shitty gear for 5 minutes.

  13. #13
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    Moose, Iowa
    Quote Originally Posted by east or bust View Post
    And it goes way beyond HC…

    The notion you point out is existential and I’d be lying if I hadn’t thought about it before. The basis is a set of ruling elites that exploit people to the point of uprising, it seems like that is the bottom line for most corporations, venture capital, etc. I mean, it’s happened throughout history, just a different flavor this time around.
    You are most likely speaking for millions of people. Literally.

  14. #14
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    Jan 2019
    The future Oligarchs are lining up at the trough. Don't be surprised when the elbows come out.

    Trump, Leon and Vivek are going to going to be handing out the prizes pretty soon so getting rid of competition might be required to take full advantage.

  15. #15
    Join Date
    Feb 2010
    Old, old story.

    Movie was really good. Book might have been even better.
    The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there.

  16. #16
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by I Skied Bandini Mountain;[emoji[emoji6[emoji640
    [emoji638]][emoji640][emoji639]][emoji637][emoji6[emoji640][emoji638]][emoji639][emoji[emoji6[emoji640][emoji638]][emoji640][emoji6[emoji640][emoji638]]][emoji638][emoji[emoji6[emoji640][emoji638]][emoji640][emoji6[emoji640][emoji638]]]]The future Oligarchs are lining up at the trough. Don't be surprised when the elbows come out.

    Trump, Leon and Vivek are going to going to be handing out the prizes pretty soon so getting rid of competition might be required to take full advantage.
    There’s also a somewhat likely possibility that if the Elon/Vivek fuckery is allowed to proceed, they’ll ruin a lot of lives and retribution will be sought.

  17. #17
    Join Date
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    Not in the PRB
    The comments are as compassionate as the health insurance business model.

    He woulda been covered if he had a pre-auth for getting shot.

    CEO sounds like a job with a high risk of getting shot, claim denied

    Surgically removing the bullet was deemed not medically necessary

    You joke, but nothing would surprise me. My insurance tried to deny a claim saying that the birth of my child was "not medically necessary"

    I hope his ER doctor that tried to save him was in-network.

    As his employee I would love to take a moment of silence but they took away my lunch break and I have to work late today so just no time

    Sometimes you get what's coming around. Sometimes, you are what's coming around.

    I expect to see more of this as healthcare and insurance gets worse and worse in this country. Maybe don't bilk people out of their life savings while you swim in a huge Scrooge McDuck-ian pool of gold doubloons.
    "fuck off you asshat gaper shit for brains fucktard wanker." - Jesus Christ
    "She was tossing her bean salad with the vigor of a Drunken Pop princess so I walked out of the corner and said.... "need a hand?"" - Odin
    "everybody's got their hooks into you, fuck em....forge on motherfuckers, drag all those bitches across the goal line with you." - (not so) ill-advised strategy

  18. #18
    Join Date
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    It's Bernie's fault

  19. #19
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    Hearing this could have also been a hit to silence him if he made a deal to testify in a huge insider trading investigation...
    Quote Originally Posted by blurred
    skiing is hiking all day so that you can ski on shitty gear for 5 minutes.

  20. #20
    Join Date
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    Shooter got away on an E-bike, is there any doubt E-bikers are all in league with the devil ?
    Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know

  21. #21
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    Quote Originally Posted by summit View Post
    Hearing this could have also been a hit to silence him if he made a deal to testify in a huge insider trading investigation...
    If this is the case the shooter will disappear like Matt Damon

    "If the road You followed brought you to this,of what use was the road"?

    "I have no idea what I am talking about but would be happy to share my biased opinions as fact on the matter. "

  22. #22
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    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by summit View Post
    Well, shooter hit him in the leg, and sounds like missed some as well, before scoring the fatal chest hit.
    Oh... saw the secure cam vid... not 20ft. 10ft tops, shot him in the leg from behind, weapons malfunction, then closed to fire more, again from <10ft.
    Quote Originally Posted by blurred
    skiing is hiking all day so that you can ski on shitty gear for 5 minutes.

  23. #23
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    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by summit View Post
    Oh... saw the secure cam vid... not 20ft. 10ft tops, shot him in the leg from behind, weapons malfunction, then closed to fire more, again from <10ft.
    How was the malfunction dealt with? Fat hands till it worked or tap, roll, rack?

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by zion zig zag View Post
    How was the malfunction dealt with? Fat hands till it worked or tap, roll, rack?
    Looks like fail to feed from a shitty can, looks he might have had some practice like he knew it would fail, but would a professional be using a shitbox?

    Quote Originally Posted by blurred
    skiing is hiking all day so that you can ski on shitty gear for 5 minutes.

  25. #25
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by XXX-er View Post
    Shooter got away on an E-bike, is there any doubt E-bikers are all in league with the devil ?
    Almost as surprising as health insurance CEOs not being shot more often is that e-bikers also aren't.
    Quote Originally Posted by Downbound Train View Post
    And there will come a day when our ancestors look back...........

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