You make good points.
Doctors in private practice are business persons, they made that choice, they are human, not saints, greedy like any person taking personal risk, and they are not except from everyday hassles, laws of nature and business, like the rest of us. Can’t cut it? Well the world needs ditch diggers too.
I could say the same thing about medicare, too much overhead at CMS, and it would get a lot more wasteful if we had a single payer system and the providers were not reigned in.
I just spent $7000 on two root canals. Good luck getting my dentist to play along with any of this. He’s the happiest to hear us all fight about the ins. Co. Cause he wants cash only.
I did the math, that guy is making a couple mil a yr. Not as a dentist, but by running a good business.
This “we’re entitled to all make millions, or 500k is horse shit with out risk, accountability, and doing a good job.