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Thread: United Healthcare CEO shot to death in front of NYC investor meeting

  1. #251
    Join Date
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    Big Sky/Moonlight Basin

    United Healthcare CEO shot to death in front of NYC investor meeting

    Quote Originally Posted by rideit;
    Looks like Harry has a fancy-pants Frank Lloyd Wright inspired bed situation…$$$$
    Mayo Clinic = Cadillac healthcare
    "Zee damn fat skis are ruining zee piste !" -Oscar Schevlin

    "Hike up your skirt and grow a dick you fucking crybaby" -what Bunion said to Harry at the top of The Headwaters

  2. #252
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    Quote Originally Posted by MagnificentUnicorn View Post
    Why do you think he’s lost his fucking mind?

    Has a CEO that knowingly condones denial or delay of costly treatment that results in death lost his mind?

    TGR Forums
    Yeah they're auto-denying benefits regardless of the facts of each case because they know that some people won't appeal, either because UHC makes it impossible by design, or because the patient is too ill/dies first.

    How is the shooter worse than the people that designed and built that system? Killing people at a distance by withholding care is still killing them.

  3. #253
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    No one knows his motives yet.

    But regardless it’s not hard to imagine a health insurance plan denying some sort of life prolonging treatment under the explanation of “you’re gonna die either way”. In that situation I can see how someone or a family member might feel that murder is justified - in the same way a parent might feel that way towards a killer of a child.

    Not justifying it - but I can understand it. And I dont think that is equivalent to losing one’s mind.

  4. #254
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    Quote Originally Posted by TStriker View Post
    There's already a tee shirt

    Attachment 506716
    All proceeds go to cover creators out of pocket costs, and cash pay for denied claims.

  5. #255
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    Quote Originally Posted by bennymac View Post
    But regardless it’s not hard to imagine a health insurance plan denying some sort of life prolonging treatment under the explanation of “you’re gonna die either way”. In that situation I can see how someone or a family member might feel that murder is justified - in the same way a parent might feel that way towards a killer of a child.

    Not justifying it - but I can understand it.
    Ya know, if that (or something similar) happened to my kid, id have a hard time not justifying it. Same sentiment if that (or something similar) happened to me in my early 20's when i was single with nothing tying me down.

    If you sell me expensive services that will save my kids life, take my money, and then withhold those services as a matter of fiscal policy... i see that as premeditated murder in the commission of a robbery and the person who implemented that policy is ultimately responsible.

    I understand why such vigilantism is illegal, and i agree that it should stay illegal (who you think is guilty is not always guilty and the punishment must fit the crime). But, i also struggle to find a moral problem with vigilantism if the party is in fact guilty, and the retribution is commensurate with the crime.

  6. #256
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    Quote Originally Posted by dunfree ;[emoji[emoji6[emoji640
    [emoji638]][emoji640][emoji639]][emoji637][emoji6[emoji640][emoji638]][emoji640][emoji[emoji6[emoji640][emoji638]][emoji640][emoji640]][emoji[emoji6[emoji640][emoji638]][emoji640][emoji639]][emoji[emoji6[emoji640][emoji638]][emoji640][emoji639]]]I was unfortunately there yesterday asshole, and those routes don’t have many businesses with cameras that would catch cars or people well. I’m sure there’s some Ring cameras or the like but I don’t know who or how quickly they’d turn it over (stores often turn over asap during business hours, getting from a home can take longer)
    Slow your roll Triggered, it’s okay to be wrong

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  7. #257
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    dunfree is all knowing.

  8. #258
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    Quote Originally Posted by MagnificentUnicorn View Post
    Why do you think he’s lost his fucking mind?

    Maybe he thought it was totally justified. This wasn’t some random lust killing, it was planned and purposeful.

    Has a soldier that kills his enemy lost his mind?

    Has a CEO that knowingly condones denial or delay of costly treatment that results in death lost his mind?

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    I cannot respond to this because it seems you've lost your fucking mind making those comparisons.

  9. #259
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    The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there.

  10. #260
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    Apparently the NYPD found his backpack in Central Park, with Monopoly money in it.

  11. #261
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    United Healthcare CEO shot to death in front of NYC investor meeting

    Quote Originally Posted by jackstraw;[emoji[emoji6[emoji640
    [emoji638]][emoji640][emoji639]][emoji637][emoji6[emoji640][emoji638]][emoji640][emoji[emoji6[emoji640][emoji638]][emoji640][emoji6[emoji640][emoji637]]][emoji637][emoji639]]I cannot respond to this because it seems you've lost your fucking mind making those comparisons.
    Get a grip, you’re the one who’s lost his fucking mind. If you can’t see the comparison in those examples you are stupid and ignorant. I can’t respond but I’m responding? Moron

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  12. #262
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    Quote Originally Posted by The SnowShow View Post
    Apparently the NYPD found his backpack in Central Park, with Monopoly money in it.
    between this, the items left at the crime scene with dna on them, and the photos of bro's uncovered face, i'm starting to think he might not be that good at crime.
    swing your fucking sword.

  13. #263
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    If this was netflix he would have been caught already
    Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know

  14. #264
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    Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk

  15. #265
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    Quote Originally Posted by XXX-er;[emoji[emoji6[emoji640

    If this was netflix he would have been caught already
    Wow Canadian tv is… rigorous.

  16. #266
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    Quote Originally Posted by jackstraw View Post
    This guy shot a defenseless guy in the back multiple times. Let's not get carried away thinking he's a rational human being. He's absolutely lost his fucking mind.

    Theres many reasons to hate major corporations and their greed, but shooting people is certainly not the answer.

    Well, at least he died doing what he loved: gloating to shareholders about how he'd turned healthcare into just another massive wealth transfer system to steal from the weakest and give it to the people who need it the least.

    Usually, a gangster like this should be found with a wad of money crammed up his ass. (Monopoly money, perhaps) White collar sociopath no better than Tony Soprano, he just killed and robbed with an algorithm instead of a gun.
    Last edited by neckdeep; 12-08-2024 at 11:40 AM.

  17. #267
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    Quote Originally Posted by neckdeep View Post
    Well, at least he died doing what he loved: gloating to shareholders about how he'd turned healthcare into a massive wealth transfer system.
    Boom. Love me some Neckdeep!

    I think the only learning moment for me is just a reminder of just how much ADD and apathy society actually has. An is, so this is how you just start a conversation about the negative effects of the ruthless for profit health insurance system?

    What's next? What are Swifty and Kelce up to? Old and Orange? The border?

    I swear, focus is so low and performative online outrage is so high, shit like this is cover for the actual bad shit going down. How many people got murdered yesterday?

  18. #268
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    About 68 murders yesterday.
    Quote Originally Posted by Benny Profane View Post
    Well, I'm not allowed to delete this post, but, I can say, go fuck yourselves, everybody!

  19. #269
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    Where’s Jack straw’s outrage?

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  20. #270
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    Quote Originally Posted by neckdeep View Post
    Well, at least he died doing what he loved: gloating to shareholders about how he'd turned healthcare into just another massive wealth transfer system to steal from the weakest and give it to the people who need it the least.

    Usually, a gangster like this should be found with a wad of money crammed up his ass. (Monopoly money, perhaps) White collar sociopath no better than Tony Soprano, he just killed and robbed with an algorithm instead of a gun.


  21. #271
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    I'm just disagreeing with the premise that the shooter is irrational or has absolutely lost his fucking mind. I don't think this is a Travis Bickle.

    Quite the contrary. I see an organized, highly symbolic terrorist act. Message: this is not a victim, this is a crime boss suffering a crime boss's fate. Shot down on the pavement. I assume the monopoly money was originally intended to be left on the victim which is a message in the mob that someone was killed because they were too greedy.

    Moreover, the public reaction shows the shooter is not irrational, just amoral. That's what's implied when millions of people say they don't condone but certainly understand. It's only irrational if he fears the consequences. If he felt like he has nothing more to lose, it's not "irrational". It's amoral AND the killer knows this because he's including gestures to justify his actions. I don't think he's crazy, I think this guy is just insanely pissed off.

  22. #272
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    Quote Originally Posted by neckdeep View Post
    I'm just disagreeing with the premise that the shooter is irrational or has absolutely lost his fucking mind. I don't think this is a Travis Bickle.

    Quite the contrary. I see an organized, highly symbolic terrorist act. Message: this is not a victim, this is a crime boss suffering a crime boss's fate. Shot down on the pavement. I assume the monopoly money was originally intended to be left on the victim which is a message in the mob that someone was killed because they were too greedy.

    Moreover, the public reaction shows the shooter is not irrational, just amoral. That's what's implied when millions of people say they don't condone but certainly understand. It's only irrational if he fears the consequences. If he felt like he has nothing more to lose, it's not "irrational". It's amoral AND the killer knows this because he's including gestures to justify his actions. I don't think he's crazy, I think this guy is just insanely pissed off.
    I’m mad as hell and I’m not going to take it anymore!

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  23. #273
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    Quote Originally Posted by Foggy_Goggles View Post

    What's next? What are Swifty and Kelce up to?
    This weekend she chose Vangroovy to wrap the Eras tour so the place is/ was full of Swift heads,

    probably less chance of getting shot off the stage eh
    Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know

  24. #274
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    Yeah, much more Howard Beale than Travis Bickle.

  25. #275
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