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  1. #1
    Join Date
    Sep 2010

    Upon Further Consideration: Giving Movies a Second Chance

    Have you ever watched a movie, read a book, listened to an album, whatever, and just did not like it, but then later on something compels you to give it another shot and THEN you end up liking it, or perhaps just appreciating it more for what it is? That's what this thread is for.

    In 2001, I saw Cameron Crowe's "Vanilla Sky" at the theater. Perhaps its because it was one of those films where the trailer was MASSIVELY misleading. One I saw made us think we were going into a light-hearted romcom. NOPE! Don't get me wrong. I'm not a huge fan of those either and what it was, was far preferable. Maybe I was too tired to follow it and just got frustrated with it. Either way, I remember walking away from the theater like "WTF did we just watch?" Pretty much didn't like it overall.

    Well, fast forward 23 years and decided to give it another go last night on Paramount+. THIS time, I paid attention and completely have changed my opinion. Crowe's done some great stuff. I particularly liked Almost Famous, so he of course brings his A-Game with the soundtrack here too. Unbelievably recognizable cast all the way around. Tom Cruise of course, but Cameron Diaz in her prime, Penelope Cruz, Kurt Russell, Jason Lee, Tilda Swinton, and Timothy Spall stood out.

    Perhaps helping going into it this time knowing what it was NOT, what it actually was, and looking out for all the "clues" I completely missed last time, I had a completely different experience this time. I loved the music. The performances, the visual presentation, and direction were all top notch. It's not without its issues, BUT I ended up really liking it a lot this time! Glad I went back in with an open mind.

    Anyway, what are some things that you perhaps misjudged and eventually came around to liking?

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Jan 2017
    on the banks of Fish Creek

  3. #3
    Join Date
    Sep 2010
    ^^Is it true that Tommy Wiseau is essentially a 21st century Ed Wood as I've heard some say? I haven't watched the Room but I've heard a lot about it and its cult following. TERRIBLE movie, but possibly self-aware about it? Might have to check it out one of these days. Although might have to view it with the RiffTrax addendum. Haha.

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Aug 2018
    beaverhead county
    that would be a resounding and emphatic fuck no on the self awareness.
    swing your fucking sword.

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