Its not bad, I'm here now. The town park mnt bike trails are actually super fun, although small. Theres amazing dirt biking in weird clay hills outside of town, like video game type terrain for dirt biking if thats your thing. For skiing, Telluride is a haul, and you'll fight traffic, but marble is hardly any more time given equal traffic, and often less because there won't be any traffic at all, and the drive will be pleasant, and the skiing uncrowded.
I can say, the housing rental market is fucked here, I mean its fucked everywhere but uniquly fucked here, I mean in some ways its this pocket of afordability close to much more expensive places, but its also been a low demand housing market for a long time, meaning not much new construction and by new i mean like, 10 or 20 years. Newer houses are around, but I was amazed when I was looking for a place how many horrible trashholes were shown to me by people expecting a decent amount of money. $2k for a two bedroom but hey be really careful with the toilet cus if it gets clogged the unfinished dirt floor basement drain will back up with sewage and make shitmud. I would advise buying a home or renting in one of the newer apartment buildings. Decent houses are out there, but expect to look for a while.
If you are into aviation at all, it is a good place for that.
People here seem pretty nice for the most part. Not too many radically left or right, just decent folks.
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"We don't need predator control, we need whiner control. Anyone who complains that "the gummint oughta do sumpin" about the wolves and coyotes should be darted, caged, and released in a more suitable habitat for them, like the middle of Manhattan." - Spats
"I'm constantly doing things I can't do. Thats how I get to do them." - Pablo Picasso
Cisco and his wife are fragile idiots who breed morons.