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Thread: Second/Vacation Homes

  1. #76
    Join Date
    Aug 2018
    My grandfather had a decent real estate firm on the OR coast. He definitely could have left the family a vacation house to share. He decided to gamble it away instead. Now, we hardly get together.

    I have an Airstream that I park near the mountain in the winter and take wherever I want the rest of the year. It works well.

    I would have a second home, but the powers that be see me qualified to take on a 6 figure RV loan but not a land loan. I take the credit that they afford the low, low, low middle class I guess.

  2. #77
    Join Date
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    Big Sky/Moonlight Basin
    Quote Originally Posted by singlecross View Post
    I recommend buying an Island, and I think Harry does too.
    "Zee damn fat skis are ruining zee piste !" -Oscar Schevlin

    "Hike up your skirt and grow a dick you fucking crybaby" -what Bunion said to Harry at the top of The Headwaters

  3. #78
    Join Date
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    Where the sheets have no stains
    If good fences makes for good neighbors what does a strait do for the hood?
    I have been in this State for 30 years and I am willing to admit that I am part of the problem.

    "Happiest years of my life were earning < $8.00 and hour, collecting unemployment every spring and fall, no car, no debt and no responsibilities. 1984-1990 Park City UT"

  4. #79
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    New Haven Line heading north
    Quote Originally Posted by singlecross View Post
    I recommend buying an Island, and I think Harry does too.
    Just a part of one. Everybody knows you never go full Island.
    Charlie, here comes the deuce. And when you speak of me, speak well.

  5. #80
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    no man is an island...

  6. #81
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    Last edited by Buster Highmen; 10-05-2024 at 02:16 PM.
    Merde De Glace On the Freak When Ski
    >>>200 cm Black Bamboo Sidewalled DPS Lotus 120 : Best Skis Ever <<<

  7. #82
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    Southeast New York
    I'd kind of like to have a couple of small properties with power, water and sewer and a flat pad for an RV. I figured a shipping container for essentials when you're there and maybe a second to store a vehicle or "toys". Maybe one in each corner of the country and one or two in places central to where we like to hang out.

    I don't want to be tied to any place and don't want to deal with building maintenance at all when we leave where we are. I know we're sort of planning for a small manageable place initially and letting the rest of the money from selling this place make some money but an RV and small lots is the second half of that. I dunno, maybe the land can make money when we're not there if allowed to lease space for a cell/communication tower.

  8. #83
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    Quote Originally Posted by gravitylover View Post
    I'd kind of like to have a couple of small properties with power, water and sewer and a flat pad for an RV. I figured a shipping container for essentials when you're there and maybe a second to store a vehicle or "toys". Maybe one in each corner of the country and one or two in places central to where we like to hang out.

    I don't want to be tied to any place and don't want to deal with building maintenance at all when we leave where we are. I know we're sort of planning for a small manageable place initially and letting the rest of the money from selling this place make some money but an RV and small lots is the second half of that. I dunno, maybe the land can make money when we're not there if allowed to lease space for a cell/communication tower.
    You can rent the pad to RVers too to make a few bucks. What you described is pretty close to what I envision as a sustainable second property, just worried about a container getting burglarized if you're not around much

  9. #84
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    Quote Originally Posted by dan_pdx View Post
    You can rent the pad to RVers too to make a few bucks. What you described is pretty close to what I envision as a sustainable second property, just worried about a container getting burglarized if you're not around much
    Yeah I'm not sure how to play that but I know I'd want location specific stuff already on site when I get there. Another thing that could be challenging is so many places seem to have zoned out that kind of use but I figure it's a 'where there's a will" kind of thing. I like the idea of renting it out to other RVers. I have this thing about my next land ownership experience where the land should have some capacity to produce income to at least cover ownership and hopefully to be profitable in some aspect. I've seen a few farm fields with what looks like hookups and a pad which makes me wonder if you could lease a portion of the land to a local farmer/rancher and get around the zoning issue with utlities and storage and get Ag taxes too.

  10. #85
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dromond View Post
    I feel like I'm reading a lot of boomer stories from people who inherited properties or bought them on the cheap pre-covid. If you are buying a second home in the PNW these days, you are doing something for the second time that a huge amount of people will never able to do for the first time. The numbers do not work like they used to. We have good incomes, and the cost would be exorbitant to us. Even remote acreage is expensive for what it is. The covid price spikes in the west totally killed any of these dreams for me. Maybe some day!
    You're not wrong in your observation. Property values have gone through the roof in the Inland NW; E. WA, N. ID, etc. It's pretty crazy but, with all the new building and sales I'm seeing at Schweitzer, much of it is to west siders who apparently have done quite well in whatever career they have. The number of younger people with families buying up there is crazy. I keep asking myself, where are they getting the money to buy second homes for over $1M when they're in their 30's with a family. We were lucky (as a boomer) to have gotten in early and got what turned out to be a great deal.

  11. #86
    Join Date
    Dec 2012
    I can still smell Poutine.
    Had to go up to the farm and do workName:  1000007537.jpg
Views: 316
Size:  218.4 KB. Headed home soon, hungry.
    I see hydraulic turtles.

  12. #87
    Join Date
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    I can still smell Poutine.
    Upper hayfield going fallow.
    Name:  1000007539.jpg
Views: 331
Size:  200.7 KB
    I see hydraulic turtles.

  13. #88
    Join Date
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    Bottom feeding
    Quote Originally Posted by dan_pdx View Post
    You can rent the pad to RVers too to make a few bucks. What you described is pretty close to what I envision as a sustainable second property, just worried about a container getting burglarized if you're not around much
    Who in the actual fuck is going to burgle this?
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	Image1728167379.103124.jpg 
Views:	129 
Size:	511.3 KB 
ID:	501407
    Well maybe I'm the faggot America
    I'm not a part of a redneck agenda

  14. #89
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    The F.B.I.

    Sent from my iPad using TGR Forums
    "Zee damn fat skis are ruining zee piste !" -Oscar Schevlin

    "Hike up your skirt and grow a dick you fucking crybaby" -what Bunion said to Harry at the top of The Headwaters

  15. #90
    Join Date
    Oct 2018
    Tweakers would have that open no problem in my neck of the woods.

  16. #91
    Join Date
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    northern BC
    just steal an oxyacetylene torch setup and be in that container no problem

    I think thats how it is now if there isnt someone living in a house the tweakers are gona get in there and I've seen a couple houses boarded up where the owner has suddenly passed

    who and why ? Last week somebody was rummaging in my carport at 5am so I asked the tennant if any of her shit got stolen, she sez they were about to make off with some random shit which made no sense and apparently thats what they do, get really fucked up and go out stealing stuff that makes no sense
    Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know

  17. #92
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    Oct 2018
    What's an acre of campable to buildable land go for these days? Location, Location, Location of course- just some woods or whatever, no hunting or views etc.

  18. #93
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    If they'll break into cars at trailheads to steal a backpack, why wouldn't they get into a container that might have bigger/better toys/tools? You just need an angle grinder and they already have those to cut u locks.

  19. #94
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    Oct 2007
    Sure, people can break into anything anywhere man. Put a camera on it. Have it in sight of the neighbors (like in that pic, you can seen a neighbor's camper). Don't be in a high crime area to begin with. Put a gate to the property. Insure the stuff in the container. Lots of things you can do to sleep at night. You are going to be taking a chance, but that container is a lot harder to get into than a house is. And what are you gonna keep in there that you are really that worried about losing?

  20. #95
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    Quote Originally Posted by Garbowski View Post
    What's an acre of campable to buildable land go for these days? Location, Location, Location of course- just some woods or whatever, no hunting or views etc.
    I've been fantasizing about the white salmon area in the Columbia River gorge. There are lots from under an acre in/near town up to dozens of acres with no utilities as you get further afield. Maybe around $10k per acre at the cheapest, but there are no $10k 1 acre lots, you're looking at 5+ acres. Not many listings under $100k. The 1 acre+/- lots close to town, maybe with views, are $400k or so

  21. #96
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    Quote Originally Posted by Name Redacted View Post
    Sure, people can break into anything anywhere man. Put a camera on it. Have it in sight of the neighbors (like in that pic, you can seen a neighbor's camper). Don't be in a high crime area to begin with. Put a gate to the property. Insure the stuff in the container. Lots of things you can do to sleep at night. You are going to be taking a chance, but that container is a lot harder to get into than a house is. And what are you gonna keep in there that you are really that worried about losing?
    Whoa, no need to litigate the details, I just mentioned something that was on my mind as I fantasize about having a country place. In an ideal world, I'd have some bikes out there, maybe SUPs and ski gear. Maybe some landscaping/yard equipment. And there might not be any nearby neighbors or power to run a camera.

  22. #97
    Join Date
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    on the banks of Fish Creek
    his complete colletion of powder magazines in mint condition and an unopened, unviewed vhs of Blizzard of Ahhh's, first edition.

    dude's got treasures...

  23. #98
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    Quote Originally Posted by dan_pdx View Post
    Whoa, no need to litigate the details, I just mentioned something that was on my mind as I fantasize about having a country place. In an ideal world, I'd have some bikes out there, maybe SUPs and ski gear. Maybe some landscaping/yard equipment. And there might not be any nearby neighbors or power to run a camera.
    Solar/battery powered cameras. Just sayin, it ain't that hard, at least not enough to not do it.

  24. #99
    Join Date
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    The Mayonnaisium
    You could put together a greatest hits video of your shit getting ganked. As long as it's sunny outside.

  25. #100
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    Quote Originally Posted by m2711c View Post
    his complete colletion of powder magazines in mint condition and an unopened, unviewed vhs of Blizzard of Ahhh's, first edition.

    dude's got treasures...
    Sports. Illustrated swimsuit editions 1980-1996, worth dozens of dollars in eBay!

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