Currently have a 4/5/6 wt rods, all 9ft.
Colorado/UT trout fishing. Everything from fishing small alpine lakes (80% of the time fishing the roaring fork) to chucking meat at big ass trout on the mighty Colorado from a drift boat.
Could be interested in bass on a pond eventually, but not yet. Could eventually be interested in a salt trip, but not yet.
Broke my 6wt streamer fishing from a boat this weekend (the streamer bite is currently 8/10 with hundreds of chases). New rod will be streamer specific 6wt or 7wt with a sink tip.
Looking to add to the quiver. Should I get a 7wt to now have 4/5/6/7? or should i get another 6wt while I wait for the repair?
9Ft again?
Newish fly fisher trying to figure it all out. You would be the guys to ask as this is basically a ski quiver question, but with rods.
Edit: my rods are all on the low end. Looking to spend sub $400 for the rod. The 6wt I broke and throw streamers with is a Redington Classic Trout. Kind of slow action in my experience with streamers.
That being said, anybody selling some fast action 6wt or 7 wts?