Paris 2024 Summer Olympics
Excited for USMWP! Best team we have had since Azevedo’s prime. However - Serbia is going to be tough…
Originally Posted by
old goat
They won despite some pro Aussie refereeing. Their fasted swimmer ejected plus penalty shot plus 4 minute power play for punching Aussie player in the face after having his head held underwater for over 30 seconds with no call. And a couple of missed ejections. US gave up trying to feed their center because he was getting mugged with no calls.
Hooper was held down by the cap strings getting knees to the face… one can understand why he swung…. but the ref had to punish the blatant retaliation. I’m sure the ref knew there were some shenanigans when he watched the replay, but didn’t have any confidence to eject that mouthguard fucker from AUS…
Impressive US defense. AUS had the 4 min of opportunity and were held to up by 2.
Originally Posted by
I played college wp and hate the game for this reason. Lawless thuggery. The whole game revolves around who gets away with the most shit.
Meh… There’s certainly some brawling and pretend brawling going on. But from my 20+ years of playing the game; IME, your statement is quite the exaggeration…
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