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Thread: Wasatch Parking / Driving / Gondola/ Bus / How does my Ikon Pass work?

  1. #101
    Join Date
    Sep 2005
    Fresh Lake City
    Quote Originally Posted by bigdude2468 View Post
    Anecdotal but looking at vehicles in the Wildcat parking lot no more than 10% have stickers.
    Hard to get people to buy in IMO.

    I heard UDOT only made 10,000 stickers for the general public and 6,000 for rental car companies. The local skier population is probably 5-10X that. When i got around to getting stickers, most of the tire shops I called were out of the stickers and told me they weren't getting more. So, that explains the lack of vehicles with stickers in the wildcat lot to me. As crankplank noted above, traction law enforcement at the mouth adds to the morning traffic and having a sticker doesn't seem to get you through the checkpoints any faster. Which is another reason not to bother getting a sticker.

    Also while it is great to make sure everyone driving up the canyon has a vehicle properly ready for winter driving conditions, the biggest factor in traffic congestion in the canyons is the people. That is, people still suck at driving in general and their tires can only help so much.

    That said, general sentiment around canyon traffic this season seems to be positive.

  2. #102
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    SLC, UT
    They've added a "sticker lane" at the mouth of BCC that allows you to bypass ~10 or so cars once you're past the light. It's a small incentive - but the backup before you enter the canyon is as bad as ever (at least it was on Saturday). I like the fact that they're increasing enforcement, and I can't help but think they're also realizing how long it's taking and they'll make plans to improve upon it. For example - the "sticker lane" seemed to be an adjustment already made in the past couple of weeks.

    I do still think the most efficient solution short-term solution is just to increase (aka actually enforce) the fines for anyone who causes a traffic incident and is in violation of the traction law - and/or ticketing cars that are already in the parking lot that don't meet the requirements. But of course that doesn't prevent cars from entering - only deterring them via fines.

    That being said - I think there needs to be more options before they get to this point, including more available & more frequent buses. Not everyone can afford an AWD/4WD vehicle and snow tires (though I would argue you can grab used snow tires quite cheap - and that it's cheaper than body work...) No silver bullets overnight by any means.

  3. #103
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    Fresh Lake City
    The Traction Law in the Cottonwoods only requires you to have snow tires (3PMSF) or chains on 2WD entering the canyons.

  4. #104
    Join Date
    Dec 2015
    I got the sticker for 2yrs but there is 0 benefit to doing so other than fuzzy feelings. It's a waste of time. Handing out $500 tickets to cars in violation of the traction law, even before they create a traffic problem, is self funding and solves the problem in 2 weeks.

  5. #105
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    SLC burbs
    Tried and failed to get the sticker in November. Called 3 shops, all were out with no resupply.
    Drove up to Alta yesterday around 2pm, traction law in effect, got behind a camry which was already doing the crab walk before reaching the gate parking lot. Passed the guy to avoid shenanigans higher. Assuming he made it, I'd hate to see how his drive down went.
    "Your wife being mad is temporary, but pow turns do not get unmade" - mallwalker the wise

  6. #106
    Join Date
    Feb 2021
    I was able to get a sticker this year in October. Have been through an active check station into LCC twice and neither time do I think the sticker made a difference (I have a F-150 4wd admittedly) as they just waved me through. I’ve been through from both lanes at the mouth and the sticker on driver’s side is not easily visible if officer is on the passenger side.

    My beef now is with the lack of decorum or police support with the traffic flow at Wasatch & SR210 (94th So). There are cars either purposefully coming off Danish and/or turning off SR209 southbound coming past La Caille and trying to turn L onto LCC Rd. Problem is there’s a shit ton of cars already heading E on SR210 or north on Wasatch to turn right. This intersection can’t handle the merge of 2 routes, let alone 3, and then the asshattery ensues as folks disregard all traffic laws and start making ridiculous turn from wrong lanes and blocking traffic. I witnessed a NV plated taco make a right turn from the middle/through lane after bypassing 50 cars who were in the shoulder waiting to turn right. His move caused further delays as he clogged the entire intersection.

    This shit has turned my normal 11 mile drive from home to Alta from being as easy as 20 minutes to nearly 2 hrs when the primary cause is the parking panic for Snowbird as upon my arrival at 9am the Wildcat lot is less than 1/2 full. The stickers aren’t making a difference. Parking along the side of SR210 at Snowbird is a huge contribution and I’m beginning to believe the only solution is NO private cars in the canyon and we all have to be bused.

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  7. #107
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    Oct 2003
    Snowbird's refusal to implement mandatory reserved parking Fri-Sun is pretty much unconscionable at this point. Road parking also needs to end and there's a plan to do so, but for reasons I don't understand it can't happen until tolling is implemented.

    100% public transit for everyone except employees and residents will never, ever, EVER happen.

  8. #108
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    Jan 2006
    Ski-t-F nailed it pretty much. I was wondering what happened to BCC this year with the insane back-ups for the left turn that disappeared when Brighton went parking res and now is back. That's rough. And the LCC shitshow is back in full strength as the anti-parking res crowd rallies hard for Sbird parking scarcity. It's a fucking trip, and not always a good one, for sure.

    And yes for me the solution isn't that hard. Close the road to non-resident, non-essential vehicles and shuttle bus the shit out of that road ala Zion and Maroon Bells. The only down side to that is that the parking fuckery is the only thing limiting #s on the hill it seems.

    Well at least the upper elevation skiing was off the hook this weekend!

  9. #109
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    Quote Originally Posted by jsnowut View Post

    And yes for me the solution isn't that hard. Close the road to non-resident, non-essential vehicles and shuttle bus the shit out of that road ala Zion and Maroon Bells.
    I would be willing to bet all of my assets that this will not happen in my lifetime. Not a chance.

  10. #110
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dantheman View Post
    Snowbird's refusal to implement mandatory reserved parking Fri-Sun is pretty much unconscionable at this point.
    Is it a way to maintain a pressure point to push the gondola? Or just their pettiness, being happy to fuck people going further up?

    Quote Originally Posted by Dantheman View Post
    I would be willing to bet all of my assets that this will not happen in my lifetime. Not a chance.
    Yeah that seems like a complete pipe dream despite being the most logical solution.

    Quote Originally Posted by Dantheman View Post
    Road parking also needs to end and there's a plan to do so, but for reasons I don't understand it can't happen until tolling is implemented.
    The roadside parking at the Bird has to be responsible for 75% of the shitshow. 100s of people doing U-turns in traffic isn't exactly conducive to a free flow. Force the fuckers go up to, take the bypass road, and get back in line above Superior and down the main road. That'll take care of the problem. How can any of this be tied to the toll??? Some lobbyist must have earned their keep making that a reality...

    One thing I found particularly frustrating yesterday was the complete inability of most people to zipper merge. Being a dick about it gets you exactly 1 car ahead but forces everyone to slam on the brakes. It's not hard people, if there are 2 lanes then 1 lane, you alternate. I realize most people are barely smart enough to operate a vehicle in the first place so there's no hope of improvement though...
    "Your wife being mad is temporary, but pow turns do not get unmade" - mallwalker the wise

  11. #111
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    Oct 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by Dantheman View Post
    100% public transit for everyone except employees and residents will never, ever, EVER happen.
    If only there were a way to allow the initiated to fly up canyon while leering down upon the un-washed masses below....

  12. #112
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    Oct 2007
    I didn't get a sticker. Figured the cute little checkpoints would go the way of the Dodo after a few storms. The one time so far I've needed it in LCC I was waved through without even letting off the gas, and my vehicle is not obviously 4x4.

    Though a buddy got waved past upwards of 4 cars with his sticker going up BCC at 0630 on Saturday. Worth the hassle? Maybe, probably not.

    Ironically from an anecdotal viewpoint I have been behind more cars struggling to get up canyon this winter already than the last two winters combined.

  13. #113
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    Feb 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by Boissal View Post
    ... inability of most people to zipper merge. Being a dick about it gets you exactly 1 car ahead but forces everyone to slam on the brakes. It's not hard people, if there are 2 lanes then 1 lane, you alternate. I realize most people are barely smart enough to operate a vehicle in the first place so there's no hope of improvement though...
    The ONLY acceptable time to negate the zipper is if it's a bus!!

  14. #114
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    Feb 2021


    Quote Originally Posted by Boissal View Post
    ... inability of most people to zipper merge. Being a dick about it gets you exactly 1 car ahead but forces everyone to slam on the brakes. It's not hard people, if there are 2 lanes then 1 lane, you alternate. I realize most people are barely smart enough to operate a vehicle in the first place so there's no hope of improvement though...
    The ONLY acceptable time to negate the zipper is if it's to get in front of a bus!!

  15. #115
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    Oct 2003
    Quote Originally Posted by Boissal View Post
    Is it a way to maintain a pressure point to push the gondola? Or just their pettiness, being happy to fuck people going further up?
    Yes? But, probably mostly the latter. In recent times Snowbird management seems to delight in anything that screws over Alta.

    edit: It also drives IKON traffic to Snowbird since IKONers have to pay $25 for a parking reservation at Alta.

    Quote Originally Posted by Boissal View Post
    Force the fuckers go up to, take the bypass road, and get back in line above Superior and down the main road. That'll take care of the problem. How can any of this be tied to the toll??? Some lobbyist must have earned their keep making that a reality...
    Wouldn't that just create another merge point below Alta? It may be a lesser of two evils situation but I'm not sure it's really a solution. Regarding the toll, all I know is that the EIS/ROD is very clear that once tolling is implemented road parking above White Pine is done. I don't recall ever seeing a reason for why they can't just do it right now.

  16. #116
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dantheman View Post
    Wouldn't that just create another merge point below Alta? It may be a lesser of two evils situation but I'm not sure it's really a solution. Regarding the toll, all I know is that the EIS/ROD is very clear that once tolling is implemented road parking above White Pine is done. I don't recall ever seeing a reason for why they can't just do it right now.
    Oh it would, I was just suggesting it because it affected me personally yesterday and I wanted those people punished.
    "Your wife being mad is temporary, but pow turns do not get unmade" - mallwalker the wise

  17. #117
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    The new tire checking process is working about as well as Solitude is with terrain opening.

  18. #118
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    Feb 2013
    Quote Originally Posted by Boissal View Post
    The roadside parking at the Bird has to be responsible for 75% of the shitshow.
    My favorite move on Saturday was the 4runner who blocked all of SR210 while he waited with his turn signal for a spot to open up. The other party had just gotten back to their car and they had to take off their ski boots, brush the snow off their car, etc. Watched a car a little ahead of us try to get around him only to have to swerve to avoid an incoming plow. What a cluster!

  19. #119
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dshack89 View Post
    My favorite move on Saturday was the 4runner who blocked all of SR210 while he waited with his turn signal for a spot to open up. The other party had just gotten back to their car and they had to take off their ski boots, brush the snow off their car, etc. Watched a car a little ahead of us try to get around him only to have to swerve to avoid an incoming plow. What a cluster!
    I'm still amazed no one has ever been hit/killed on the side of LCC/BCC walking to their car. Seems like an easy button for UDOT to outlaw roadside parking to help alleviate some traffic in both canyons.

  20. #120
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    Quote Originally Posted by Dshack89 View Post
    My favorite move on Saturday was the 4runner who blocked all of SR210 while he waited with his turn signal for a spot to open up. The other party had just gotten back to their car and they had to take off their ski boots, brush the snow off their car, etc. Watched a car a little ahead of us try to get around him only to have to swerve to avoid an incoming plow. What a cluster!
    I'm still amazed no one has ever been hit/killed on the side of LCC/BCC walking to their car. Seems like an easy button for UDOT to outlaw roadside parking to help alleviate some traffic in both canyons.

  21. #121
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    Oct 2015
    Quote Originally Posted by Dantheman View Post
    edit: It also drives IKON traffic to Snowbird since IKONers have to pay $25 for a parking reservation at Alta.

    Alta is already driving Ikon traffic to Snowbird by not granting any access on the more affordable "Base" pass. Ikon Base get's you 5 days at the Bird, zero at Alta.

  22. #122
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    Can I just say that I hate the assholes that when going down canyon get into the turn lane and pretend they are turning into SB entry 1, only to keep going straight. Their sole purpose is to just skip ahead of 40 cars or so. Fucking savages.

  23. #123
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    Same guys that pass you near White Pine on the way up when it is already bumper-to-bumper. Got get ahead by 15 seconds... I wish vehicular manslaughter wasn't a thing, I'd buy a beater and just push those douchebags off the road...

  24. #124
    Join Date
    Oct 2007
    Any recommended spots where a guy can park a camper near LCC and/or Snowbasin? Looking at driving my camper out to use my MC next month.

  25. #125
    Join Date
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    Quote Originally Posted by Name Redacted View Post
    Any recommended spots where a guy can park a camper near LCC and/or Snowbasin? Looking at driving my camper out to use my MC next month.
    I'm near snowbasin
    Tfw is near little
    PM me mag

    (look at that haiku)

    Sent from my Pixel 8 Pro using Tapatalk

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