Haven't tried any of this guys hot sauce recipes that I didn't like. https://www.chilipeppermadness.com/c...es/hot-sauces/
Haven't tried any of this guys hot sauce recipes that I didn't like. https://www.chilipeppermadness.com/c...es/hot-sauces/
What did you accomplish while having your morning coffee? Good morning in the tomato thicketRaspberries too but I probably tossed 4X more than I kept. These things go from underripe to rotting SO quickly. There's that perfect moment when they're ready-to-eat before the ants get them but it's there and gone in what seems like minutes. I've taken to pulling them just before they're ready, rinsing them and letting them counter ripen.
Food porn, even cleaned the seeds off the tomato. I sure do want to eat that, maybe throw on some big sea salt flakes.
Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each.
Henry David Thoreau
Damn those artichokes are proud! I gave up trying after multiple seasons of enormous plants and zero fruits...
"Your wife being mad is temporary, but pow turns do not get unmade" - mallwalker the wise
Nice! Haven't done potatoes for a few years. For me harvesting them had a lottery feeling, not knowing what to expect.
Yes, lottery!
No matter how many I grow, it's not enough. I'm planning a large area next year, right on top of my compost pile. I've been growing them in bags on the patio but I just tossed some onto the compost and they grew waaaay better. Maybe it's the heat coming up?
Live each season as it passes; breathe the air, drink the drink, taste the fruit, and resign yourself to the influences of each.
Henry David Thoreau
Season is winding down.
Probably the last of the Zuks
Beans were late but not a bad crop considering. A couple more dinners, probably done next weekend.
Celery, chard and parsley are happy with the cooler weather
Greenhouse has been awesome. Jalapeños still ripening
English cukes have been steady since June
Bells still going
Jungle of toms have been pruned right back. Keeping an eye on the overnight lows but still warm enough during the day to keep ‘em going.
Chilies are done, but still enjoying the stash in the fridge. Pulled the last of the muskmelons, first try with the cantaloupes were a success even if they were overshadowed by the toms.
Italian prunes got picked 2wks ago as the deer were leaving piles of pits on the lawn. Still a few left for fresh eating; most now dried or fruit leather.
Just waiting for first real frost for the apples, only one tree produced this year.
A bit cooler than previous years as far as growing degree days, and some items came late, but overall it’s been a very good season.
I think that's a pecker.
^^^ Rorschach test
Brandine: Now Cletus, if I catch you with pig lipstick on your collar one more time you ain't gonna be allowed to sleep in the barn no more!
Cletus: Duly noted.
82° yesterday and 85° todayIt hasn't rained in over 7 weeks now, well two days that added up to .25", so after ~100" in 15 months we've gone desert dry. I've been watering so the garden just keeps producing although the raspberries are just dying off. I'm still pulling a couple of strawberries a day, tomatoes are still ripening and flowering putting on new ones! The Sungold and jewel tomatoes are going crazy but aren't as sweet, I don't think my well water is playing well with them.
The average size of this year's canteloupes is about the same as an average tomato. Small fist, if that. Tasty but damn is it disappointing to see such tiny fruit. I can eat a giant canteloupe in one go, and I grumble if I have to share it. I have to go through 4 or 5 of the little guys before I feel content.
"Your wife being mad is temporary, but pow turns do not get unmade" - mallwalker the wise
Impressive. While the hard frosts haven’t yet hit, we are solidly stuck in single digit temps (C). With the cloud and rain, even the greenhouse is largely done. Just some greens, carrots, and beets still in the ground.
That said, the mushroom harvest this past couple weeks has been all-time! Lobsters and matsutake all over, in places I’ve never found them before.