Mini EWG just graduated from the UofU with a degree in Business Management, focus in operations and supply chain. Smart guy, super well spoken, incredibly hard working, terrific with people. He has another couple months of free rent left on his lease and then things get hard. He's got a bartending job lined up to bring in some cash while he looks for his "real job."
He'd really love to be doing something in the outdoor industry so I thought I'd ask here - anybody have any thoughts or leads? He has experience working with a ski company already so he's not a total newbie, and he's got a ton of outdoor experience and knowledge. He' love even just an interview with someone to get to know the lay of the land even if there isn't a job at the end of it. And since he really doesn't know for sure what he wants to do, any job ideas or openings are super welcome. Especially before he takes a cattle call-burn out sales job, which is what he plans on doing if he can't find anything else.
Thanks to the collective for any ideas or leads. He does post on TGR, but it's super infrequent so I thought it would resonate more coming from me - hence the post.