Speaking of gifting a win, Kat5 does not want any money from ya all.
Even though she was the Overall winner, Largest number of stages won, and Highest score in a single stage (excluding stage 21) she would prefer that you just give a little bit back to a charity.
Our choice would be a local non-profit we like to support: The Cycle Effect, or even something as simple as giving a food bank or shelter the donation at the checkout at your local grocery store. Please pay it forward, and she would be happy.
As competitive as she is, she is also a super gracious winner, and was cheering on bidons et saucissons and waveshello in hopes they would pass her in the final stages.
I find the fantasy game super fun, it makes me pay attention to whats happening during the whole tour, and gives me reasons to cheer for breakaways, sprinters, and weird 7 point riders.
I truly believe we are watching a new era of generational talent. I hope in 25 years we are able to talk about how we watched Tadej and Jonnas battle it out over many years of the Tour.
Very cool. Congrats Kat5.
Just made a donation to https://oregonadaptivesports.org/
Anybody interested in a fantasy game for La Vuelta? Some of this crew did it last year. Will get real interesting if Tadej decides to go for a triple crown in the same year (never has happened), and Jonas decides to compete.
Awesome tour.
Great way to be Kat5
formerly an ambassador for a few others, but the ski industry is... interesting.
Fukt: a very small amount of snow.
After getting used to watching TDF daily for the past few weeks I've been going through a little post-partum. This has helped. Interesting discussion, in hindsight.
The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there.
The struggle is indeed real. I miss waking up to the coverage everyday. But we have the Olympics next. Too bad tadej pulled out. Giro, tdf, and gold medal, would have been a decent season for him. Plus veulta and world champs lol. Looks like he’s only doing world champs tho. Pussy.
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I read that when the SLO team passed over his fiancé, they decided fuck it, let’s take a vacation before Worlds.
Remco takes gold in TT. By 15 secs over ganna. I don’t think tadej would have beaten him on that course.
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Pog has beaten Ganna and Remco in TTs this year, and the course he beat Ganna on wasn’t that steep
Double gold for Remco! Would have been cool to have Pog in the mix but maybe on that course he still would have taken it. Not a bad month for a 24 yr old. 3rd in TDF and 2 golds.
Long ass race, only the last hour worth watching. Remcos flat at 1.5km to go added some some spice to the finish.
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Anyone watching TDF Femmes? Do they crash way more than the men, or is it just covered more when they do?
I hope Demi started today. She's a star. A smokin hot star
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TDF Femmes has been great so far. Big battles set up for next two mtn stages.
Holy shit what a finish to the TdF Femmes!!
4 seconds
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Yup. Great race, and I think that was Phil Leggett’s last call.
Well maybe I'm the faggot America
I'm not a part of a redneck agenda
Vuelta still full of surprises before the first rest day
Looks like a competitive tour
Yates, Carapaz, Mas, Oconnor, Roglic, Landa
Roglic offers some brilliant riding some days & others he seems to blow it tactically (not referring to today specifically, more for the O’Connor day). I just wonder if his late arrival to cycling hurts him a little in a lack of native intuition for dangerous moves.
In terms of closing out some business responsibilities, I sent my donation to DRA (Deschutes River Alliance)
BOC looks confident, it’s a good look for him. Yate’s post race interview was great! This is a fantastic GC battle after week one.
crab in my shoe mouth
It has been some great racing
Mas’ reverse wheelie added a little spice today
I think Roglic isn’t feeling good right now for whatever reason, and RBH tactics reflect that.
I wonder if Mas, Carapaz, Yates and Landa will start constantly attacking Roglic to wear him down more.
https://www.cyclingnews.com/news/wil...bikes-damaged/"Juaristi fell thanks to the impact of a deer from a herd that was crossing the road," a team press release said later.
"While being attended by the Vuelta medical car, a second herd crossed the road and in a third herd, a deer became entangled in the roofrack of the Euskaltel-Euskadi second race vehicle and caused significant damage to two team bikes.