Backing out of the HL 113’s. Up for grabs!
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Backing out of the HL 113’s. Up for grabs!
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"If we can't bring the mountain to the party, let's bring the PARTY to the MOUNTAIN!"
Sending PM for C113s
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I’ll hop in line for the c113s after east and solemnly promise to shred to the crap out of them at Mach looney if they come my way.
I’ll get in line for the c113’s as well….
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Gravity always wins...
C113s pending to east or bust, all statuses updated in my original post!
Update on our situation: We're all moved in to our new Seattle digs, which is like triple anything we could have dreamed up--10 minutes from the hospital and at no cost to us. Bubba O started chemo last week (less than 2 weeks after our initial visit) and he's handling it well so far. We have 10 months of the heavy duty regimen in front of us, then 6 months of maintenance. I'll be working remotely for now, may transfer to our Seattle office at some point. Oddly enough we lived in this neighborhood for a few years after college, so that takes away some of the shock of the rapid move.
Thanks everyone. Appreciate all the support and offers of support. Feeling the love from this community.
Just saw this thread. All the best for you and your family. That's an awfully scary situation to be in, I can't imagine how this impacts you and your wife. Hang tough.
Updated all statuses and did some organization of the original post for clarity. Still some skis available--if you have questions please ask away!
I'll be driving from Spokane to Seattle in early May. I would be happy to help with shipping some skis for mags that have purchased.
I'd still grab the shorter Mythics for a friend if they are still available.
I sent you a new PM to coordinate! Happy to stop by Ellensburg on our way out or back.
Hey all... We're getting along ok here in Seattle. It has been a wild ride--not over yet, but in some ways we're over the hump. Owen is surviving, growing and thriving while putting up a hell of a fight. He's a one of a kind little guy.
Thank you everyone for messages of support and encouragement, and for helping me clear out some of this baggage. I'll share more of the story in the cancer thread soon. I was totally overwhelmed by the amount of mag support that was given/offered. I replied to many messages but I know I missed a few, just want to say all were read and greatly appreciated!
Only thing that's still up for grabs here is the Bodacious+bindings. I'll start a new thread for those soon. Mounted OTL for 317bsl.
Last edited by waveshello; 11-08-2024 at 01:30 PM.
Right fucking on man. Hope you all are doing well
Thanks for the update! Happy to hear things are going well so far
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Love to hear it! I hope things keep going well for the family!