"Poop is funny" - Frank Reynolds
Praying for you and your family. I'm out in Issaquah, but happy to help in anyway I can. Don't need any skis but I'll take the MFrees if other person passes.
Really sorry to hear this. I don't need any skis but if there is a Gofundme or something please post a link. Best to your son and family.
Also, I'm driving thru Ellensburg next week heading to Utah, so if anyone is buying in there, I can transport to save shipping.
Don’t need any sticks, but want to wish your son and family all the best. Fuck cancer.
All the power-vibes that TGR can muster to you and your family Wave.
+++++vibes+++++ waveshello
PM sent on the Devs
Uno mas
Sorry to hear about your son.
Heavy news, sorry man. Good luck
Healing vibes to your son. Hoping for the best for him and your family.
Man, yesterday I was drooling over this quiver sale. Come back today to see what is left and what a punch in the gut. My boys turn 16 next week and something happening to them is my biggest fear.
Praying for your son and your family. If there is any way we can help, please let us know.
Y'all. Thank you all for the prayers, love, support, encouragement. I am truly grateful. I have received some incredibly generous offers in my PMs and am totally humbled and amazed at the generosity of this community. We don't know what exactly we may need in the future but all of our current needs have been met in some really unexpected ways. I promise I will reach out if we need help locally. Any please keep the prayers coming--we'll take all we can get.
I'm responding to PMs when I can and will be coordinating some local pickups and a few of the shipments with Abraham. Really stoked about where some of these are going. I'll update the original post a little later today with some additional details.
Seattle mag checking in for support if needed/useful
C132 also looking mighty fine if that sale falls thru
Interested in Ravens if they're still available. All the best to you and your family, man.
Can I get the STH2s on the 192MFree’s down to 301 BSL with out remounting them?
I want to grab a pair to help you out but I have tiny feet
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Wishing you and your family all the best! +1 for the gofundme
I'm after any of the pivots... if anyone is eyeing some skis and wants to work something out!
@waveshello please disregard this, don't want to add anything to your plate
Thank you, that's the goal!
Couple updates:
Ravens sold
M-Frees sold
HL C132 pending - nick
Faction CT pending - skinipenem
HL C113 pending -
179 Mythics pending - skis_the_trees
Devastators pending - Doremite
Scimitars pending - ShortyJ
Thanks for being patient everyone, skis are now in Seattle with me, will ship soon.
Thanks to Abraham and Phatty for helping coordinate some of these deliveries--theys good people.
Rossignol and Praxis:
Vibes brother! I’d be wrecked. I’m in Seattle area and can be a resource for helping move or anything else you can think of. Went through the cancer journey with my Dad. If you’re doing treatment at SCCA they are leaders with a refined process. Wishing your family the best! [emoji1374]
Waveshello is good people and he's got great gear at awesome prices. Let's get him taken care. He's got a tough patch coming up, but he'll be strong for it.
Anyone local want to pickup the CT 1.0 factions for me to save waves the time? I'll be in Vancouver/camas late summer and can pickup then or ship to me.
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No matter where you go, there you are. - BB