Has anyone mentioned the Rossi Bandit X or the Salomon X-Scream yet? They were pretty hot shit in the mid-1990s and I’d consider them forgiving.
I’ve skied a reasonable number of touring skis in the 90-105 category & generally agree with this summary: https://www.outdoorgearlab.com/topic...ckcountry-skis
The camox freebird 188 is my go to for long tours. I agree with their assessment of firm snow grip, it’s better than most in this weight range.
I have the 185 zeroG 95 from 2022 & it’s great on firm, suits an aggressive & angulated style but is so short (much shorter than the Camox, like 7 cm shorter) that pow/crud performance suffers if you’re a bigger guy.
Know of a pair of Fischer Ranger 107Ti 189s (new or used) for sale? PM me.
Did you read the first post of the thread?
Yes. Did you read the rest of the thread?
Know of a pair of Fischer Ranger 107Ti 189s (new or used) for sale? PM me.
I want a 95-100 ish ski that is 1500-1600 ish grams for a 180-184 ish length. I'm 6'1 200 in the wasatch. I have a 108 touring setup already. Am considering:
- salomon mtn 96 in 182
- armada locator 104 in 186 or 178
- dynafit free 97 in 184
M-tour 99 gets a lotta love but its mount point is -12 cm(??) which seems too far for my tastes, my inbounds skis are usually about -8.
These three skis are currently cheap as shitz right now
I skied the M-tours mounted forward. I’m not sure how forward, but definitely not -12.. They were pretty great. Surprisingly damp and not “pingy” for the weight/stiffness.
Free 97s are pretty hard to pass on at the current prices..
Locators are more directional than the M-Tour or Free.
Never skied the MTN.
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BMT 94
Or heritage labs BC90
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Both are great skis. I’ve also spent a lot of time on the Dynafit Beast which is the predecessor of the Free and they are excellent for the price, greatly underrated imo. I’ve heard good things about the Armada and Salomon but they are more traditional with higher camber and sidecut.
Free 97 is a pretty underrated ski imo. Quick on edge, floaty and forgiving. Its a little to turny for my liking and doesn't like to be pushed hard. But if all you're going to be doing is chill, easy going touring you can do so much worse. Especially at the current price point
I didnt read much of the thread but I wana give a huge shout-out to op for actulay quoting width of the ski in mm instead of saying mid-fat or sft
Lee Lau - xxx-er is the laziest Asian canuck I know
"High risers are for people with fused ankles, jongs and dudes who are too fat to see their dick or touch their toes.
Prove me wrong."
-I've seen black diamonds!
Not sure if this floats anyone's boat, but this deal is too good to pass up, especially if you like Trab skis
In the mid 90’s I was touring on some 203cm K2 KVC Comps with Silvretta 404 bindings, but I would not describe them as forgiving.
im local to skiuphill if that helps anyone.
curious if people consider the majesty superpatrol forgiving? (also avail at skiuphill which is why i ask). i have my eye on it cause i like the weight for the class and use case.
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I saw this thread and originally thought "mid 90s touring ski," Rossi Easy Rider as it is till my touring ski, but came out in the mid 90s. Actually 85 underfoot, but like the old Cut 11.5 or bandits with less metal and
well, not sure you could find it any more
Great ski for the up an down
/oldguy out
watch out for snakes
I'm gonna rephrase my question I posted in this thread a couple weeks ago:
If you already had a beast 108 181, ski in the Wasatch, and were gonna buy one more ski, what would you buy? 6'0 200
Help I can't think for myself