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Thread: Tahoe '23/'24 - Reserve Now For Best Pricing!!!

  1. #2876
    Join Date
    Jan 2008
    Quote Originally Posted by Cono Este View Post
    I know one of the investors, rumor is they are playing hardball with the local,govt to get the approval they want to go private.

    I heard they may spin chairs for family and friends. Hoping I can weasel into that.
    What kind of hardball? You don't know the TRPA. They are not accountable to the voters, so public pressure is not going to get them to change their minds. They don't care if the resort opens or not; that is not their mandate. Besides which public pressure is against the owners, not for them. Sounds to me like the owners' big problem is not hiring lawyers and consultants who know how to get a project approved. Perhaps their "team" is used to development in places that are more development-friendly and they figured the applicaiton and approval process was pro forma. Wong.

    Hey, I just had an idea. Why don't we refuse to start the 24-25 thread until the TRPA approves the development. Now that might get the TRPA to move things along rather than risk the wrath of maggotdom.

  2. #2877
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    Oct 2011
    I will throw in my two cents. Anyone think JMA will abandon the resort and try to redestrict the land for residential use to “help with the housing crisis” in Tahoe. Seems to me if they could get this done then their return on investment would be through the roof and to boot they wouldn’t have to operate a low base area ski resort in an era of climate change.

  3. #2878
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    Apr 2007
    Quote Originally Posted by SnowMachine View Post
    Exactly the point I was originally making. Viability is relative these days. It seems like every year I hear of another small resort closing down.
    Japan would like a word.

    Anyone want to buy 4-8 resorts? Call me. I have a list of defunct mom/pop resorts that have tanked since the ‘90s. Hotels, too.

    I might even be able to get you four resorts for 10m.

    Shut down grooming significantly. Cook five star food. You might be onto an int’l market of safe BC skiers for chill pow fields and mellow side-country.

    They’re scattered across the country.

  4. #2879
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    Quote Originally Posted by gaijin View Post
    Japan would like a word.

    Anyone want to buy 4-8 resorts? Call me. I have a list of defunct mom/pop resorts that have tanked since the ‘90s. Hotels, too.

    I might even be able to get you four resorts for 10m.

    Shut down grooming significantly. Cook five star food. You might be onto an int’l market of safe BC skiers for chill pow fields and mellow side-country.

    They’re scattered across the country.
    They're here, too. A lot of them with snow (lack thereof) issues.

    I'm not sure about Japan, but in this country insurance alone kills these things before they get started. I toyed with the idea of putting up a small terrain park for local kids. Rope tow with some features. Similar to the Kingvale park. I have the dirt, but insuring it is impossible.

    The changing times is what prevents small resorts from being a thing. The massive cost of lifts, maintenance, insurance (Inc. Workman's comp), utilities, snowmaking, etc.... Nobody with money is willing to park it there.

    Sadly, the world has just changed. I'd love to be proven wrong. I hope this Rubies project sprouts legs.

  5. #2880
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    Truckee & Nor Cal
    A Japan / US comparison is a pointless exercise. So many different factors at play.

  6. #2881
    Join Date
    Oct 2024

    Parking Reservations now open at Kirkwood

    Seems like they backed off a bit from the original amount of paid parking. Was able to get free weekend parking through mid January.

    Thanks for all the beta though the years.

  7. #2882
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    P-tex, CA
    Where's the gondola to Alpine?

  8. #2883
    Join Date
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    On the beach somewhere
    Quote Originally Posted by SnowMachine View Post
    Enlighten me. I've done some reading, but like I said, I know little about it.

    I said what I said. They aren't profitable. I doubt they'll become profitable. Investors like money.

    I understand they're frustrated by not being able to move on their projects, but how does closing improve their outlook?

    Like I said, enlighten me.

    One thing I know is that there are huge wallets on the sideline that would love to have a clubhouse with a ski hill.

    Edit: call me a pessimist.
    If I lived in Truckee, I sure wouldn't make it over to ski little West Shore resorts much...

    They are not profitable, in part, because they don't want to be. In the past three years since Discovery has become part of the team, Howewood has:
    -Stopped making a terrain park
    -Increased day ticket prices to $200+ per day on a variable pricing model
    -Priced kids and lessons basically off the mountain

    These are not to increase profitability, they are to tank profitability. Discovery only operates private, members-only clubs, for the uber-wealthy. However, in 2011 JMA sold the public and TRPA on development at the site...right next to a protected lake...on the basis that the resort would remain open to the public. Discovery is hoping that by tanking the resort, Discovery can say to TRPA "it can't be profitable as something open to the public - so just let us develop and make it members-only." In the meantime, Discovery is doing developer things like lining the pockets of local electeds.

    Example Discovery properties -

    Latest from Moonshine -

    Discovery's approach shown in Scotland -

    Discovery at odds with Routt County -

  9. #2884
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    Truckee & Nor Cal

    Tahoe '23/'24 - Reserve Now For Best Pricing!!!

    I would absolutely drive from Truckee to Homewood on certain days (especially windy) if it was reasonable and they actually had all of their lifts operating. The Alpine / Homewood pass pre-2011 was awesome.

  10. #2885
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    Quote Originally Posted by shaft View Post
    If I lived in Truckee, I sure wouldn't make it over to ski little West Shore resorts much...
    Not as much the drive as the season pass model. I have a Alterra pass and a SB pass. It's hard to talk myself into paying day ticket prices these days.

    I skied Diamond Peak twice last year, but it was for a TJFS comp. I thoroughly enjoyed the change of scenery.

  11. #2886
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    Quote Originally Posted by skier666 View Post
    Where's the gondola to Alpine?
    Why not!?!

  12. #2887
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    Truckee's response to the Palisades Village EIR is on the council agenda for tuesday. It is on the consent calendar which means the council is expected to rubber stamp the letter but you can still submit written comment and if you want to speak in person you can request the item be pulled for discussion and make your speech.
    The letter is not bad--requesting the Placer County require more transit, more workforce housing, and a shelter in place facility as conditions for approval. Truckee can only request and advise--Placer can do what it damn well pleases.

  13. #2888
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    Feb 2010
    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_6100.jpg 
Views:	73 
Size:	723.7 KB 
ID:	502294
    They have the guns fired up at Rose this afternoon.

    Click image for larger version. 

Name:	IMG_6099.jpg 
Views:	75 
Size:	769.4 KB 
ID:	502296
    Current temp is 28 deg. The weather seemed like it went from weeks of extended late summer and skipped over fall this year.

  14. #2889
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    Sep 2005
    In rain shadow of the Sierra CC,NV
    So anyone wanna bet who's gonna have a wrod open by Halloween?
    Rose, Boreal or Northstar?

    ...Remember, those who think Global Warming is Fake, also think that Adam & Eve were Real...

  15. #2890
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    Apr 2007
    Rose. Guns are blazing. Angry inch plus everywhere. This was across the street. Snowing hard enough when I left that I’ll be back

    Sent from my iPhone using TGR Forums - new and improved, with 20% more dork.

  16. #2891
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    Quote Originally Posted by old goat View Post
    The letter is not bad--requesting the Placer County require more transit, more workforce housing, and a shelter in place facility as conditions for approval.
    FWIW, making those conditions of approval would trigger the county to complete additional compliance under CEQA to disclose the effects of the conditions (eg building new housing) on the environment.

  17. #2892
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    Quote Originally Posted by bodywhomper View Post
    FWIW, making those conditions of approval would trigger the county to complete additional compliance under CEQA to disclose the effects of the conditions (eg building new housing) on the environment.
    Basically Truckee is trying to play nice and save money, which I think is probably the correct approach. If Alterra and Placer County are smart - which is definitely up for debate - they'll comply with those requests and not leave themselves open to escalation.

  18. #2893
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    Quote Originally Posted by TahoeJ View Post
    Basically Truckee is trying to play nice and save money, which I think is probably the correct approach. If Alterra and Placer County are smart - which is definitely up for debate - they'll comply with those requests and not leave themselves open to escalation.
    If placer county is to comply with those requests, they'll need to steps backwards in their CEQA compliance.

  19. #2894
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    My guess is Placer will ignore the letter and Truckee will not escalate, but one can always hope. It does give Sierra Watch ammunition if they want to sue again. Interesting that a little group like Sierra Watch can afford big legal bills. They must have someone with $$$ backing them. Maybe Bill Hewlett's descendants? For those who don't know, Hewlett bought land at the mouth of Coldstream Canyon to block a proposed ski area in the canyon, among other environmental causes he took on.

  20. #2895
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    Quote Originally Posted by SnowMachine View Post
    Why not!?!
    It was a rumor when JMA owned both Homewood and Alpine...

  21. #2896
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    Quote Originally Posted by old goat View Post
    My guess is Placer will ignore the letter and Truckee will not escalate, but one can always hope. It does give Sierra Watch ammunition if they want to sue again. Interesting that a little group like Sierra Watch can afford big legal bills. They must have someone with $$$ backing them. Maybe Bill Hewlett's descendants? For those who don't know, Hewlett bought land at the mouth of Coldstream Canyon to block a proposed ski area in the canyon, among other environmental causes he took on.
    Sierra watch no longer has a staff attorney ok their website. Their previous attorney now works for the State.

  22. #2897
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    Tahoe '23/'24 - Reserve Now For Best Pricing!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by bodywhomper View Post
    Sierra watch no longer has a staff attorney ok their website. Their previous attorney now works for the State.
    Sure, a bunch of us here know him. Mission was accomplished. But if necessary they absolutely could fill the position again (in theory, I have no direct knowledge of their current finances). Let’s hope so.

    I have not reviewed the new EIR but I’m wondering if it’s as dumb as the last one or not. I have a long flight next week so maybe I’ll download it.

  23. #2898
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    Quote Originally Posted by TahoeJ View Post
    Sure, a bunch of us here know him. Mission was accomplished. But if necessary they absolutely could fill the position again (in theory, I have no direct knowledge of their current finances). Let’s hope so.

    I have not reviewed the new EIR but I’m wondering if it’s as dumb as the last one or not. I have a long flight next week so maybe I’ll download it.
    If you do read it you'll be one up on the Supes, most of them, maybe all of them.

  24. #2899
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    Tahoe '23/'24 - Reserve Now For Best Pricing!!!

    Quote Originally Posted by old goat View Post
    If you do read it you'll be one up on the Supes, most of them, maybe all of them.
    I read the last one because I was sort of indirectly involved. There’s really just a few key sections to focus on - namely those cited by the judge in Sierra Watch’s victory. And while that was well done by them there were definitely some procedural logistics involved in the final ruling that Alterra probably didn’t screw up this time. I am not optimistic. An impact suit from Truckee is likely the most realistic road block at this point. It may require outside funding assistance for Truckee to pursue… or not, who knows?

    I actually think a slightly expanded village could be cool, especially with some stuff to do like a movie theater and bowling alley or whatever. If they were smart just cut the damn thing in half and then try to expand further 15 years from now. They’d be halfway there if they’d taken that approach from the beginning. They’re like some dude trying to get anal after the first date instead of just getting laid. Take it easy there, fella.

  25. #2900
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    Quote Originally Posted by TahoeJ View Post
    I actually think a slightly expanded village could be cool, especially with some stuff to do like a movie theater and bowling alley or whatever. If they were smart just cut the damn thing in half and then try to expand further 15 years from now. They’d be halfway there if they’d taken that approach from the beginning. They’re like some dude trying to get anal after the first date instead of just getting laid. Take it easy there, fella.
    Agree. Stopping our local towns in time 30 years ago isn't a successful exercise. I think we need some growth and expansion, but it needs to calculated. I don't hate all of the PT plans, especially considering that they primarily sit in the existing footprint. That said, I have little faith in developers.

    We were in Truckee tonight and it was wall to wall. This isn't what October used to be. There are a massive amount of people in town during all seasons these days. I'd love to send some of them to Tahoe City

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