4 Time Balboa Open Champion
Just saw something about The Forest Service are not hiring any *non fire* personnel for all of 2025, and maybe longer. Even positions that are funded by grants from external orgs.
...Remember, those who think Global Warming is Fake, also think that Adam & Eve were Real...
I am not saying I trust or don't trust the evacuation plan. I am just relaying what I have been told and offering the opinion that in an area as heavily populated as this you can expect to be told to evacuate a lot sooner than you might expect. The potential evacuation routes are what they are. The plan, such as it is, relates to the circumstances in which evacuation might be ordered. The success of the plan will depend on the particular location of the fire, how fast it is moving, and whether or not people heed the evacuation orders while the fire is still a ways away. You can trust the guvment or not. I would suggest that when they tell you to leve you should trust them and leave, if you haven't left already.
I think we've all noticed how many trees they've removed from the I80 median west of the summit, i assume so that 80 will be a better fire break and also a safer evacuation route.
Truckee does have the advantage of being a base for fire fighting aircraft, assuming the airport itself is not engulfed. The area around it has been pretty well cleared. When a house blew up on the north shore of Donner Lk on a red flag day a few years ago a helicopter and a fire retardant plane had just taken off for the Dixie fire. They were diverted to put out the house fire, which had spread to the vacant lot next door. Otherwise things could have gotten interesting.
My backup evacuation plan is a kayak and the lake 100 feet from my front door.
I've seen the documentary.
Fire in the basin during wind event with unusually dry fuels over Labor Day weekend keeps emergency planners up at night.
Similarly, a large EQ at peak of a big winter during a large storm.
As someone who has had to evacuate from Sonoma multiple times, rest assured that the Tahoe area is fucking screwed when it comes to evacuations. I mean, look what happens on a late Sunday afternoon during ski season. Or even just around 4-5pm during the summer with a line of cars on 267 almost all the way to the Northstar entrance.
Agreed w that. Way too many entitled fucksticks for evac not to turn into complete lord of the flies clusterfuck. The lake is my safe zone if it goes to shit
Yet somehow you survived. Because the evacuation order came in time for people to get out before the fire arrived (or didn't). Let's hope the fire and the air attack give us enough time to leave despite the traffic jam.
Entitled fucksticks? That will be all of us trying to leave. It's the same mindset as bitching about all those other people in the lift line on Saturday. And all those other people bitching about us. We're all in this together.
An evacuation issue is evacuating with only one vehicle when you have multiple drivers and multiple vehicles
Way to miss the point. Oh and in 2017 some people didn’t survive, including a family friend who was trapped along the highway 12 corridor. The evacuation order did not come in time because there was no time. It was the middle of the night. Not sure why you’re being so fucking snarky and nonchalant about it.
It’s a different location and having been through a few of these while also living half time in Truckee - I’m telling you there’s the potential for a substantial disaster.
Anyway uh, is it gonna snow soon?
Is Silverado running?
I think you missed mine. A lengthy evacuation--up to 14 hours with some potential evacuation routes blocked on a summer weekend--is not a problem if you have 14 hours. That's why the Caldor evacuation was successful despite the clogged roads--because they had enough time. I'm sorry about your friend. There is no question that a fire fast enough and close enough will overwhelm the response and overrun an evacuation. I think authorities learned from the Tubbs and Camp fires to be more proactive in evacuating and in the need to protect evacuation routes. A disaster is an event that exceeds the ability of authorities and the population to cope and there will always be disasters in this world and not just fire. We cannot be protected against everything.
One thing we all can do is defensible space, to slow the spread in populated areas. We can stop fighting controlled burns and thinning projects. In addition to the clearing of the 89 medians there has been a lot of tree and brush removal along other roads, in order to allow them to stay open during a fire.
Wishing all the people would go away is not going to happen. We all think we're the ones who deserve to be here and it's other people who don't. That approach gets us nowhere. Wringing our hands and saying we're all going to die is not going to help.
Right, but building out Olympic Valley to the degree being proposed would make things significantly worse and is irresponsible. Areas should only be developed to the threshold that the surrounding infrastructure to support it is appropriate. And putting that project aside, in general we can’t just build build build ad infinitum.
Personally I think the government should be the last resort for locals for fire evacuations. With climate change, everyone who lives in a fire prone area should have their own evacuation plan instead of relying on the government. I know that this will sound crazy but with a little education you can figure out better what to do for yourself and your family than some generic evacuation plan the government came up with that covers everyone. And your own evacuation plan should factor if it is a holiday weekend, your personal risk tolerance and whether you and your neighbors fire proofed your house.
FWIW, the concept of having your own evacuation plan based on personal risk tolerance and “fire proofed” houses: that’s kinda what was going on in Paradise.
The informed outreach and educational materials comes from the government. It’s very good to have a personal plan, and the government material strongly supports that, but we all know that humans have a very poor ability to make decisions on risk.
The fact that Wrightwood didn’t burn down to the ground earlier this month is being trumpeted as a success story because residents have focused on defensible space on their residential properties, were prepared for potential evacuations, and they complied with evacuation requests. The county states that this allowed firefighters to successfully focus on structure protections rather than people protection.
Question about the new palisades development plan, is Silverado running yet?…. J/K, is alterra proposing that the new project will include shelter in place buildings?
There are 4 summer camps in my neighborhood. A large building at one of the camps has been approved/designated as a shelter in place building (for wildfire), and the plan for all the camps is to occupy that building if there is a nearby and approaching wildfire.
I'm fine with building out OV, as long as there's a gate at the entrance of OV Rd that locks from the outside.
At least in theory LE will be directing traffic based on the info they have re fire behavior, road closures, traffic congestion etc. People freelancing their own evacuation plan will create chaos and gridlock. Suppose you decide to go east on a road that has been designated for WB on both sides, or decide to cut through a neighbor and create a worse jam where you try to regain the main road. As dumb as guvment can be sometimes the general public is dumber. I agree, there will be some scenarios where it makes more sense to stay but probably not many for most folks and none for some folks.
nobody is wrong in this “argument”
the Hospice thrift store always has some great deals on ski equipment
today I scored some Blizzard Black Pearl 88 for cheeep for a friend’s daughter
and I saw these minty 26.5 Scarpa Freedom SL for $175 - damn good deal
I didn't believe in reincarnation when I was your age either.
Just to be clear, when I said have your own evacuation plan I meant have your own evacuation plan that complies with any government orders. I am not advocating disregarding government orders because you think know better but having a plan that augments them. For example your evacuation plan could involve leaving *before* any evacuation order on a holiday weekend if you think there is a high probability that there will be one. Also, it should go without saying but talking to your local fire department about your plan would be a great idea. Treat the government plan as the bare minimum that it is.
Got it. Same page. I misunderstood your post.
I've come up dry at that place much more often than not (and the ski gear selection is usually old and beat to hell), but damn, there was this one time when I walked out of there with really nice lightly used GoreTex jackets for the whole family, plus some other nice items.
today was good
I didn't believe in reincarnation when I was your age either.
there’s a 153cm K2 Gotback with demo clamps for $125 - really good condition
no idea why anyone would put that binding on that ski
I didn't believe in reincarnation when I was your age either.
Somehow this blurb puts me in mind of Wildflower Baking at (squaw).
I wonder if the amazing Suzanne has been scooped up? Or just given up? Sad either way.
(T'was Suzanne that introduced a younger us to Smoothy, and garbage chute)
?*The Village at Palisades Tahoe will debut Little Bear Café, offering a daily selection of in-house baked goods and breads that are crafted with passion and expertise from coffee roasters, farmers, wine makers, beer brewers and artists.*?
...Remember, those who think Global Warming is Fake, also think that Adam & Eve were Real...
No Wildflour chocolate chip cookies and a black coffee after skiing would put a sting in my routine. Without knowing anything, the more the merrier. There's not much in the village other than Wildflour, Coffee Bar & Starbucks for pre-ski team drop off breakfast. Plumpjack killed their breakfast since Covid.