I just wanna be a toys r us kid. Oh wait.
If you're PE, companies are your toys.
The movie Wall Street came out in 1987 and yet here we are almost 40 years later. The thing about it that’s often overlooked is that Gecko gets busted for insider trading, not for the worst thing he actually does (or attempts to) because it’s completely legal (buying a controlling share of a company, liquidating its assets and deep sixing thousands of jobs).
These ski resorts owned by investment banker types saying they need to do X to keep the mountain open are mostly full of shit.
Unfortunately, at the time, most thought of Gordon and his mantra as something to emulate
Yeah I meant the whole point is people missed the point. Great movie but would have been even better (and more realistic) if Gecko skated free and only Bud went to jail for doing the right thing. Anyway, fuck investor shitheads - they really have ruined skiing to a certain degree.
I joked a bunch about lifts being on financial hold last year, but it's a reality for mega resorts. Ops reports to accountants. Accountants report to share holders. Ski for the love is a dying concept. Faded into obscurity by corporate greed, insane operating cost, environmental regs, etc.
Consumers are guilty of driving it. People like shiny shit. Shiny shit is expensive.
It's not all bad, but we can nitpick.
Any north lake mags have a shimano specific bottom bracket tool they’d be willing to lend for an afternoon?
Got to be more specific than that, what iteration of bottom bracket?
Washington Post just published 6 less crowded, cheaper resorts with "better snow". Numbers 1 and 2--SB and Rose. At least the picture of Rose is of the Chutes, which should discourage the east coasters. Thanks a lot.
Are East Coast Joeys really a problem there?
We had one hit and run an instructor.
Really fucked her up. They've ID him, but so far he has avoided being served.
It’s more so that SB and Rose aren’t really a secret but at the same time we try not to talk about them too much.
Dear Tahoe part time residents:
Turn your fucking outdoor porch/walkway/driveway lights off at night, especially when you aren't even here.
You don't live here, you aren't coming and going, no one is breaking into your house, there is no need for an array of lights lighting up all of your property bleeding into the surrounding area. All you are doing is ruining the beautiful mountain dark of night for people who live here.
I walk my dog every night and all fulltime resident houses are dark, but the ones where the people come up 2-5x per year, or STR are lit up like Vegas.
I love the one around the corner where I have never seen a car or occupant just built big gaudy columns at the end of the driveway with North Sea lighthouse fixtures on top with bright white 3k Kelvin bulbs on all night. FUCK YOU.
Ah, that feels better.
Back to unscrewing their bulbs and leaving Karen notes.
We had one of those move in a couple years ago w motion activation klieg lights that went on from blocks away. Finally someone had a stern chat and they haven’t been an issue for a while. My BB gun skills were about to be sharpened otherwise. I was amazed at how obnoxious a couple garage light could be
I’d rather have high beams pointed at my corneas than join an hoa. Even TD - although it seems less toxic than most
Except for the SB HOA. They rock!
The gridlock and detours were exactly the kind of stacked scenario — wildfire, road closures, traffic, construction — that many people who live in Tahoe fear if they were to get a call to evacuate suddenly.
A recent report commissioned by a nonprofit, Tahoe Sierra Clean Air Coalition, validates those fears and concerns related to wildfire evacuations, which are shared among a number of Tahoe residents.
Schism between Tahoe residents, officials over wildfire evacuation
The past is a foreign country; they do things differently there.
In an evacuation situation expect that evacuation orders will be given well in advance if possible. People on the West Shore we know were evacuated for quite a while, despite the fire never getting close. There is no choice given the difficulty of evacuation in our area.
The Truckee police say both sides of the highways will be outgoing in an evacuation.