Hah. They asked me if my family knew where I was. I told them no.
Hah. They asked me if my family knew where I was. I told them no.
Definitely impressive. I was amped that my 7 year old could do the full Shirley hike with me this year, grab a swim up top and take the tram down. I definitely wouldn't have attempted that with either of my kids at three. Those folks must like torturing themselves more than I do.![]()
Hear that Homewood has fired the J workers for the season and there’s doubts it will even open? That would suck. Hopefully bad info
Agreed but their game plan seems to be trying to show homey isn’t viable as a public entity so maybe somehow this plays into stacking the deck that way. Idk still looking for more credible info
I’ve heard they still haven’t started selling any season passes yet either
Last edited by mcski; 09-14-2024 at 04:03 PM.
No season pass emails yet. There was a post saying they 'fired' their J1s on a west shore FB page that was later deleted. Homewood is supposed to be making a statement later this month.
J1s are still almost 3 months from coming here, so fired is a weird way to state it.
powdork.com - new and improved, with 20% more dork.
I would expect something liked Madden and OHE only. Returning employees have been asked to come back.
powdork.com - new and improved, with 20% more dork.
But yeah the rumors I hear are that if they don't get TRPA approval they won't be opening and there are some conditions they have not met to get TRPA approval
powdork.com - new and improved, with 20% more dork.
Is Homewood on USFS land or privately owned? If it’s public land and they don’t operate it could potentially cause a termination of the lease permit. Completely talking out of my ass and speculating - for the record. But it’s a reasonable question. I do know for example that if Kirkwood ceased operations this could / would happen (because I read the lease doc several years back when we were annoyed about post close access).
I think the whole thing is private land. Not 100% sure but that’s my recollection. That’s why developers drooled over it so much when it changed hands in the 2000s. I half jokingly told my big money friends back then we should buy it. Whoops. Woulda shoulda.
And ya, there’s a sign up in my hood that essentially says homewood ownership is trying to blackmail the TRPA approval with the threat of not opening.
Agreed , fired was a weird way to say J1s were nixed - if it’s true. But the message was clear
powdork.com - new and improved, with 20% more dork.
I still think the most likely scenario is they disinvited most, but not all of the J1s and are planning to operate the north lodge only. This eliminates two lifts, a lot of grooming, a lodge, their shuttle service, and any FS lease required for Quail Face as well as the need to control and patrol Quail Face.
powdork.com - new and improved, with 20% more dork.
It's also important to point out
The first scenario
includes convective banding developing over the central Sierra
including the Tahoe Basin early Monday morning. This would bring
much higher QPF values to the region, and the convective nature
could lead to lowering snow levels to around 6000-6500 feet under
heavier cells.
powdork.com - new and improved, with 20% more dork.
or a gate. although that would be weird because the gate could only allow access to Quail and none of the closed private property before you get there.
powdork.com - new and improved, with 20% more dork.
Whatever happened to open ski area, charge people money to ski, make a little profit and ski every day? I agree that all assets should be put to their highest and best use, but that is usually not its economic use. I think we can all agree that skiing is the highest and best use for many things, including garbage incinerators in Copenhagen. We can also agree that he who skis highest, skis best.
Private equity bullshit is what happened. They ruin pretty much everything.
Yep, Cushing used to say he was in the uphill people moving business. Or something like that. I’d never believe I’d wish that guy was still the owner now if you asked me back then
Fuck PE. It truly ruins everything and makes the worst people even more wealthy and puts little to nothing back into the world
Yep. Uphill transportation business.
We Care!
Meanwhile…Lil Wayne be coming to Olympic Valley to help kick off ski season!
Andy Hays posted this un-real, except all too real, example of private equity's mantra for the ski biz:
"We're looking for the guest to spend more, not ski more."
and that’s what we all want
let the burgers and beers and rentals and lessons help keep the season pass prices down
I didn't believe in reincarnation when I was your age either.