Took these pics at 4:30 today.
Fire has moved to the West or uphill since yesterday. On the plus side that’s away from the majority of the homes.
It looks like the fire may be getting very close to Tannenbaum and or Sky Tavern.
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Not fire related:
I unearthed 10 Northstar Bike Park passes.
Up for grabs for free.
If you are local (Truckee area) you can swing by New Moon Sunday, Tuesday or Wednesday opening (9) until 2.
Go to the produce section and ask for change…
Or you can PM me your addy and I will drop em in the mail this week.
Looks like the park closes 9/29…
I’d like a couple passes too if available. Thx
This hotspot map looks like the fire has jumped the Slide rd and is burning into Miller Time & Nightmare.
"The mind, once expanded to the dimensions of larger ideas, never returns to its original size."
Alas, all dem passes got got.
thanks Spence!
I didn't believe in reincarnation when I was your age either.
Top of slide Cam
Ugh. Tomorrow not looking good.
Know of a pair of Fischer Ranger 107Ti 189s (new or used) for sale? PM me.
From that article
"The fire did spot over Mount Rose Highway to the west, and there were a few places currently burning down the hill from Mt. Rose Ski Resort. She said firefighting resources are tapped around the West amid devastating fires, and that she was working today to get more people to help fight the fire."
I live in VC foothills but work in the north valleys. Driving home from North Valleys along 395S, it looks like it’s not far below slide road. I didn’t see any smoke coming from the chutes bowl.
From Donner Lake the smoke is dramatically less than the last two days. Barely a wisp showing at the moment. I suppose it helps to have the fire trying to burn uphill while the wind is blowing downhill?
forecast not looking good today
I didn't believe in reincarnation when I was your age either.
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latest foot print I would suppose. Looks like Rose may have dodged a bullet, wind is predicted to turn east on Thursday and Friday and a front looks on the way for Sunday.
RGJ has a map (ad-blocked for me) of potential spread over the next couple of days. It does seem to suggest that it'll race North (3-7 miles) and upslope West of Reno. Ooof.
Aircraft grounded ('cause of the wind). At least it's 31% 'contained'.
Orange today, blue tomorrow, green Friday...
Last edited by truckeelocal; 09-11-2024 at 02:37 PM.
yo Truckee/Tahoe Maggots
follow The BackCountry on FB and you’ll find a post sharing 20% off any regular priced items in the store - bring in yer phone and show us the post for the discount
that’s pretty much anything regular price in the store including bikes
great way to get a deal on things that don’t ever really go on sale like Western Mountaineering and Rab bags , beacons and GPS and radios, Alien and Totem cams, etc…
there’s already a lot on sale, and I might be able to help you out with a little better deal on some stuff - you can’t stack the 20% off on discounted items
I didn't believe in reincarnation when I was your age either.
Things are looking good on the Davis Fire and as I’m typing this the power just came back after five days!
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yee haw!
I didn't believe in reincarnation when I was your age either.
Those of you who have hiked or biked the Warren Lk trail or have followed it to the Red Dot trail to the Frog Lake huts will appreciate this. Today near the top of the climb up to the ridge between Castle Pk and the Frog Lake Cliffs overlook I passed 2 women--1 very pregnant--a man, a 3 yr old girl, and a 2 1/2 year old boy. As I ate lunch on top of the ridge they headed down the other side to spend the night at the huts. As far as I could tell the kids walked the whole way--the adults had full packs, no child carriers. Very impressive. No whining was heard.
they were probably just as impressed at seeing such an old fart out there on his own
I didn't believe in reincarnation when I was your age either.