Looking North from Galena on Tuesday evening. Smoke from the Bear Fire coming over Pea Vine Mtn into Reno.
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Looking North from Galena on Tuesday evening. Smoke from the Bear Fire coming over Pea Vine Mtn into Reno.
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This Thursday at 9am at the North Tahoe Event Center in Kings Beach, the Placer County Planning Commission is holding a public hearing on Alterra’s proposed development in Olympic Valley.
County staff will present the Village at Palisades Tahoe Specific Plan and ask the Planning Commission to recommend that the Board of Supervisors approve the project - including the Development Agreement and Water Supply Assessment. You can view the full agenda packet here.
It’s time to, once again, turn out for Tahoe!
If you haven't already done so, commit to stand up for Tahoe, by clicking here or by replying to this email (asilverstein@sierrawatch.org) – so we know you’re coming and can hook you up with a purple Tahoe Truckee True t-shirt.
Gee, I wonder what the Placer Planning Commission will do? Time for another lawsuit.
Seems like the Tahoe area really needs to sever from placer and form a county that is representative of the area instead of just being a piggy bank for downslope pockets
Last edited by mcski; 09-04-2024 at 08:42 PM.
* Stinkeye to AM homeowners*
I was out of town. Did anyone go to the meeting? From SW…
Thursday, at an emotional hearing, the Placer County Planning Commission recommended approval of Alterra’s massive development proposal for the Palisades Tahoe property in Olympic Valley.
The Commission’s recommendation countered the County’s own Olympic Valley Municipal Advisory Council, which recommended denial. And it contradicted the overwhelming opposition of locals who submitted comments and turned out to ask Alterra to reconsider transforming Tahoe with development of a size and scope the region has never seen.
After a nearly two-hour presentation of the project by County Staff, the Project Applicant was given an opportunity to present their plan for Olympic Valley. Brian Elliot, President of Alterra Mountain Company's Real Estate Division, passed on the opportunity to present the project as County staff had already covered it and Alterra’s presentation would be redundant.
Instead, Dee Byrne, outgoing President of Palisades Tahoe briefly came to the podium to speak of the needs of the valley and surprised many in the room by saying, “what we don’t need is a waterpark.” Byrne then presented a red-lined version of the previously proposed Mountain Adventure Center elements – eliminating features such as indoor waterskiing, lazy river, and wave pool.
Pictured: Alterra's presentation of a modified Adventure Mountain Center
Pictured: Alterra's presentation of a modified Adventure Mountain Center
Dee’s final hour removal of key water park features was unexpected and confusing to many. When asked whether removing the water features would change the size of the proposed 90,000 sq ft Mountain Adventure Center, Alterra said it would not. The company did not provide specific detail on how the plans for the building would change.
After the commission’s recess, many citizens took to the podium to voice their opposition to Alterra’s plan.
In his comments to the Board, local Greg Horvath asked, “Was the water park just one big decoy to distract public sentiment and energy?” and added, “I’m not sure if the timing of last-minute changes presented today were done out of incompetence or intentional distraction. Either way it is concerning.”
Other speakers expressed concern about evacuation times and the suggestion of sheltering in place.
“The fire experts have addressed their response in the valley,” said Martha Sellers, Alpine Meadows homeowner. “But they just can’t change the Highway 89 infrastructure. South Lake Tahoe was gridlocked with four lanes. We have just two.”
Another resident said, “I don’t want to shelter in place and end up charring in place.”
Many were supportive of a collaborative effort to find a reduced plan. “We are not saying ‘Not in my backyard’ and we are not saying ‘Nothing in my backyard’,” said Andrew Hays of Olympic Valley. “We are saying ‘Not THIS in our backyard.’”
To Senior Planner Patrick Dobbs’ statement that “This is a logical expansion of the existing village.” Greg Horvath responded “An expansion of the existing village is logical. This plan, is not.”
But Alterra – and Placer County – seemed set on pursuing and processing another round of entitlements for the same old plan.
“Of course we’re disappointed at the Planning Commission’s action today, and that they didn’t listen to calls for a more reduced plan,” says Allison Silverstein of Sierra Watch. “But we’re fired up to see so many people join us to stand up for our mountains, and when it comes to our ongoing commitment to keep Tahoe Truckee True, we’re just getting started.”
The Planning Commission’s role is advisory. The Placer County Board of Supervisors has final authority over the proposed development and will likely take up Alterra’s proposal, for approval or denial, in November.
Alterra is proposing development of a size, scale, and scope North Tahoe has never seen, including 850 condo and hotel units with 1,493 new bedrooms. The main attraction would be a 90,000-square-foot Mountain Adventure Center – the new plans for which are unknown at this point – that Alterra has hoped would draw 300,000 visitors every year. As Brian Elliot from Alterra explained, “This is about getting wallet capture out of the guests. The destination guest is more valuable than the day skier guest.”
New development would make Olympic Valley a construction zone for 25 years.
According to the environmental review documents, the project would add 3,300 new daily car trips to Tahoe traffic and threaten the region’s most recognizable asset: the clarity – and famously blue waters – of Lake Tahoe.
“Every year Alterra’s outdated proposal gets more and more stale, while the movement to keep Tahoe Truckee True grows stronger and stronger,” said Silverstein of Sierra Watch. “And for everyone who wants to join us in turning out for Tahoe, we’ll see you at the Board of Supervisors meeting in November!”
Last edited by TahoeJ; 09-06-2024 at 10:08 AM.
Placer county says "sorry I can't hear you over the sounds of our coffers going cha-ching!!"
They can build all they want AFAIC but 30% workforce housing and until it's built no units can be occupied. Alterra funds a reversible bus lane and every 15 bus service. Not that there's any chance of that. I'd love to see Truckee sue over the traffic and housing impacts.
Brush fire has closed 580 near Washoe Lake/Davis Creek Pk. The road between Reno and CC.
Maybe 500 acres.
...Remember, those who think Global Warming is Fake, also think that Adam & Eve were Real...
From the Slide Peak parking lot the fire looks like it started by the Davis Creek exit and has been pushed by the wind to the North.
This is the Northern edge. It’s South of the golf course.
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Latest update is 1500 acres.
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Had some evacuees in the restaurant tonight, watching their lot and neighbor's house burn on their nest or ring camera. Their house seemed to make it through unscathed although they could only see half of it.
powdork.com - new and improved, with 20% more dork.
I’ve got the truck loaded, skis on rack and the bike on the back. Not much I can do at this point but watch the air show and hope for a wind shift.
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Galena folks - let us know if you need anything. Red flag and looks like it’s blowing up.
View from my driveway just now
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I have no first hand info but best source I've found is the Reno Reddit page.
"The mind, once expanded to the dimensions of larger ideas, never returns to its original size."
My house is right on the edge of the evac zone. No power most of last night but at least it's back on now. Starting to get more and bigger ash falling as the day goes on.
My Montana has an East Infection
I'm evacuated with friends in N Reno. The best mapping I have found is here: https://nifc.maps.arcgis.com/apps/da...d0f0f709d15e2f decent imagery here: https://alertnevada.live/cam-console/12184 both are accessible here: https://www.nevadafireinfo.org/
And my daughter had even better mapping at the app from app.watchduty.org
Evac map
You're welcome. That GIS map squares well with the latest just now from watchduty, which seem to be the best. And I saw at least three 737-class tankers and serveral smaller tankers in the air today. And things seem to be quieting down in the last half hour. Time will tell.
Fires quiet so far this morning. Hopefully it doesnt EXLODE again today, like it did yesterday afternoon.