Incredibly, after days\perhaps a week of nothing but slowness, it's now back to being responsive since my posts above. It would be fantastic if someone from TGR actually chimed in here...
Incredibly, after days\perhaps a week of nothing but slowness, it's now back to being responsive since my posts above. It would be fantastic if someone from TGR actually chimed in here...
Welp, the period of normal speeds is gone. Back to 20sec response times.
Is this site maintained by Mt Bachelor’s lift operations team?
Yep, also back to terrible performance. It was good for a bit...
I guess I come back with the question...TGR...anybody out there? This sub forum is ASK this just an ask forum, with no responses\answers?
what is going on with this site????? Performance is awful. Someone please go shit on HQ's doorstep or something
Pm rontele for tech support
Sent from my iPad using TGR Forums
Feed the hamster.
Guys, 30 second response times from clicking on anything, that is, if it doesn't completely time out.
Someone please nudge New, new, Andrew to let him know his services are needed here.
I still call it The Jake.
I can see why timberridge gave up.
Is there anything to do/anyone to address the terrible load times? Is anyone listening?
You are only coming through in waves
FWIW, I just killed the Chrome page then reloaded and response times are back to fast.
ETA - and now it’s back to blindingly slow…
ETAA - and now it’s back to blindingly fast.
So it appears to be an intermittent problem as opposed to something systemic…
Last edited by TBS; 01-11-2025 at 08:58 PM.
Jeezuz guys, just pull the plug and put us out of our misery if this is the best you can provide.
Or start a Go-fund me to upgrade bandwidth.
I have been in this State for 30 years and I am willing to admit that I am part of the problem.
"Happiest years of my life were earning < $8.00 and hour, collecting unemployment every spring and fall, no car, no debt and no responsibilities. 1984-1990 Park City UT"
It’s back to fast for me…
Will see how long it will last
So what’s the next frontier going to be when the box fan goes tango uniform for the last time? Might be time for a succession plan
Sent from my iPad using TGR Forums
Maybe tgr is coming to the end as a company. This site a money suck.
Sent from my iPhone using TGR Forums
^ any updates on the building in Wilson sale and laying off a bunch of employees? That was summer.
Would be great to migrate the site before permanent delete?
Y’all might wanna remember that Steve & Todd have Corporate Overlords, who likely run the shared backoffice functions like website maintenance. Mods put in a trouble ticket for this issue and it goes to corporate IT for triage/resolution.
Puma - in your experience, how high a priority would be assigned to a request for a fix of Un/marginally supported software for a user group that doesn’t directly contribute much in the way of profit for the Overlords (eg Lonely Planet)?
Much better today, yes?
crab in my shoe mouth
Not high. It is nice to be the customer and bitch anyway though. Nice to have the shoe on the other foot for a change.
All that aside, I have NO idea how much this truly costs to run. Is there much additional cost beyond the infrastructure needed to run their site? I do not know but do not imagine much resource is put into this forum...
I also don't know how they measure the return on investment on this. I think this forum probably helps a little with brand recognition. It probably also sells a little. (The yearly movie perhaps?) I can say personally, I knew very little if anything about Teton Gravity Research before happening upon this forum. While I don't go to the movie every year, I do go and I've nearly always dragged someone who'd not have gone otherwise. Perhaps I am alone in this. Not sure.
Anyway, it was better over the weekend. Cleary SOMEONE is doing something...but strange it's up and down.