Took me 3-5 min to get here to post this. Creeping death
Took me 3-5 min to get here to post this. Creeping death
Same here, 2-4 minutes to load.
Oh well, I spend way too much time here anyway.
I have been in this State for 30 years and I am willing to admit that I am part of the problem.
"Happiest years of my life were earning < $8.00 and hour, collecting unemployment every spring and fall, no car, no debt and no responsibilities. 1984-1990 Park City UT"
Yeah, super slow to load for me, too. How long before this thing craps out altogether?
Someone forgot to feed the hamster on the wheel.
Now pretty snappy. Thank you to whoever if someone did some tinkering. Appreciate it!
Fan blah blah blah, server fan closet. Voila.
Thx IT or the janitor.
I have been in this State for 30 years and I am willing to admit that I am part of the problem.
"Happiest years of my life were earning < $8.00 and hour, collecting unemployment every spring and fall, no car, no debt and no responsibilities. 1984-1990 Park City UT"
Back to terrible
2400 baud…
Yeahhh, I’m having response time problems as well…
Edit - we’re back to decent speeds. Thanks
Last edited by TBS; 01-07-2025 at 11:00 PM.
Slow yesterday morning, back to usual yesterday afternoon.
T o d a y i n c r e d i b l y s l o w
Slow yesterday morning, back to usual yesterday afternoon.
T o d a y i n c r e d i b l y s l o w
seems to be FLYING now, if anyone is tinkering behind the scenes - care to share if you did anything or is this going to keep happening randomly?
Slowly we die together
Hmm, server is slow on the sub 0 mornings here in JH. Coincidence?
Someone close the fucking door, or plug in a space heater.
Sent from my iPhone using TGR Forums
It is crazy slow over the last perhaps week. Definitely the last few days. Does anyone at TGR administer the software\hardware that runs this forum? Feels as though the server needs to be restarted!
I've not had this problem prior to recently, but whenever I come to the forum, click on a thread, or try to post, it is taking at least 20 seconds to load. Sometimes longer, but mostly does come back. I am on a desktop, but see the same via cell phone using the browser. (I don't use the app, that's a different can of worms I gave up on) I usually use Chrome, but have reproduced the same behavior using MS Edge.
Is ANYONE NOT experiencing this crazy performance issue?
Did I say 20 seconds? That post took more like 45 seconds. Browser tab showed "site Unresponsive" (Which it still shows...but obviously the post went through)
I've been seeing a bunch of 502 bad gateway and 500 internal server error.
I scanned back through this thread. Am I correct in saying, we have heard nothing from anyone who has the ability to effect change? (An admin\TGR employee)
Back to being fast-ish for me. They hired a scab for the hamster wheel.
we may need a wilson/jackson mag to go knock on Todd's door and ask him to plug the box fan back in.
swing your fucking sword.
yeah working pretty good for me now, was super slow yesterday & this AM
27° 18°