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Thread: Chasing My Dream Daily Driver - The Heritage Lab FL105

  1. #1
    Join Date
    Nov 2018

    Chasing My Dream Daily Driver - The Heritage Lab FL105

    Yup. The 10xmm Daily Driver.

    Where the FL113 is a fall line charger ski and the R99 is a rally car ripper, the FL105 slots between them as the do-it-all daily driver. It will be offered in two lengths (185, 192) to start, with plans on a 178 version next round.

    The 185 FL105 represents my own personal chase for the ultimate all arounder. Having spent the majority of the past 3-4 seasons switching between the 184 Monster108 when the snow was buff or bumped and the 189 BMX105hp when it was soft or low vis, I wanted to make a ski that captured the best of each of these skis while avoiding the pitfalls: Surfy and slashy. Engaged and carvy. Fast and chargy. Smooth and rewarding.

    The 192 FL105 is more a big brother to the 185 than just a longer ski. Arild in particular wanted something more akin to the 192 LPR105 and 191 M108, so that is what we designed in. Increased stability. Unflappable at speed. A bit more demanding of speed and technique. Legit planing ability in soft snow at speed.

    The FL105 have a touch of camber underfoot for increased edge purchase and a bit more suspension as compared to the FL113, and have a m more progressive tip and tail as compared to the R99. With it's Freeride build (Bamboo/Poplar, Full VDS Rubber, 38oz Fiberglass) from the FL113, these are some of the smoothest and most-metal non-metal skis I have ever skied.

    The FL105 weighs in right about the same as the R99 Comp, is a touch softer than the FL113 and R99 Comp (which are comparable overall stiffnesses, just a little different profiles), and is a notch stiffer than the AM raceroom skis (most notably in the shovel - where it is closer to a comp shovel, and. about the same tail stiffness as the AM).

    With about 8 days on them now, I can say I love these things. With all honesty, I have no desire to change a thing on how they turned out. They nail the desired ride perfectly (obvious bias noted, of course!). For me, they slot perfectly between the soft snow destroyer of the FL113 and the race-car ride of the R99.

    This is obviously a new ski, so eager to answer questions about it! I will get another thread like this going for the FR110 as well.
    Attached Thumbnails Attached Thumbnails Click image for larger version. 

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    Last edited by Marshal Olson; 04-13-2023 at 06:32 PM.

  2. #2
    Join Date
    Nov 2006
    idaho panhandle!
    Wow man, that thing is the sex!! Must resist, though probably futile.

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  3. #3
    Join Date
    Mar 2005
    Wow. Nice DD

  4. #4
    Join Date
    Nov 2016
    Ooof, having just got a pair of Praxis Lhasa’s this looks like a DD with much of the same rocker lines and geo!!

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  5. #5
    Join Date
    Feb 2011
    Really stoked on the BMX influence on these! Excited to get on both sizes, for science of course.

  6. #6
    Join Date
    Aug 2021
    Quote Originally Posted by Marshal Olson View Post

    The 192 FL105 is more a big brother to the 185 than just a longer ski. Arild in particular wanted something more akin to the 192 LPR105 and 191 M108, so that is what we designed in. Increased stability. Unflappable at speed. A bit more demanding of speed and technique. Legit planing ability in soft snow at speed.
    Fuck Arild, I'm gunna die Psyched.

    Quote Originally Posted by Marshal Olson View Post

    The FL105 have a touch of camber underfoot for increased edge purchase and a bit more suspension as compared to the FL113, and have a m more progressive tip and tail as compared to the R99. With it's Freeride build (Bamboo/Poplar, Full VDS Rubber, 38oz Fiberglass) from the FL113, these are some of the smoothest and most-metal non-metal skis I have ever skied.
    So fucking pumped to get on these. My Katana 108s are dead, and the buttery smooth layup of FL113s, in a more versatile width, with a pinch of camber, in an anti-light build, sounds pretty dang perfect.

  7. #7
    Join Date
    Feb 2021
    Sick to hear the shape is playing well with the FL layup, no surprise. Have the carbon factory tests seen any snow time?

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    There are lions and there are sheep. So, which one are you?

  8. #8
    Join Date
    Aug 2007
    Curious how you arrived at tip width less than the BMX and Monster? I believe also narrower than the race room 99 which doesn't feel like a wide ski. Not criticizing, just curious because the 192s seem like a potential tram rider

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    Day Man. Fighter of the Night Man. Champion of the Sun. Master of Karate and Friendship for Everyone.

  9. #9
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    Middle of Norway.
    Quote Originally Posted by kokomas View Post
    Curious how you arrived at tip width less than the BMX and Monster? I believe also narrower than the race room 99 which doesn't feel like a wide ski. Not criticizing, just curious because the 192s seem like a potential tram rider

    Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk
    Because it's not needed. For context, I spent most of last season on 125/105/112 skis (Down SD105s), along with faction thirteens(135/112/122) and Big Dumps(142/120/132) skiing mostly in Norway with a few trips across the border to Sweden.

    A 125 tip coupled with the right amount of taper and rocker can do beautiful things in deep snow.

    Now, as the FL105s go for a more trad sidecut profile, coupled with a modern super awesome rocker/camber profile, the tips and tails needed to be a bit wider, if not we'd just end up with a 50m sidecut radius. And while a 105 ski that straight could be pretty awesome for the right mountain in the right conditions, even I could concede that a mid 30s sidecut would be more proper for the 192, at the same time tipping the hat to a squad of legendary monsters of the late first decade of the 2000s.

    We had loads of fun talking about, drawing, fretting and dreaming about both lengths of the 105s, and we really wanted the two lengths to complement one another, like very classy guns, where the longer works for high vis speed runs, the shorter when the light is flatter.

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  10. #10
    Join Date
    Apr 2007

    Chasing My Dream Daily Driver - The Heritage Lab FL105

    Quote Originally Posted by kokomas View Post
    Curious how you arrived at tip width less than the BMX and Monster? I believe also narrower than the race room 99 which doesn't feel like a wide ski. Not criticizing, just curious because the 192s seem like a potential tram rider
    I read the answer to this question as “We wanted a side-cut in the high 20’s as opposed to the low 20’s… but we wanted a 105 underfoot.

    All of that mixed with no metal, lots of wood, rubber and fiberglass makes the FL105 the ultimate (on-paper) ski of all time.

    I’m pissed. Because now I need an R99, an FL105, and an FL113 to compliment my Renegade and sell my M102.

    Heritage Lab. All about building quiver skis as opposed to do-it-all skis.

    That said— this FL105 looks to be the most versatile ski on the planet.

  11. #11
    Join Date
    Oct 2008
    Golden, CO
    this looks like the goods .... nice work guys.

  12. #12
    Join Date
    Feb 2019
    Harlaut pivots would look sweet 🤌

  13. #13
    Join Date
    Oct 2020
    One question as I look at the FL105 vs the FL113’s is how did you think about tip and tail height and rocker profile? Not that the difference is huge but I would think the 113 would have more splay at both ends. Maybe the rocker lines are shallower on the 105, though?

  14. #14
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by CouloirInTheLines View Post
    One question as I look at the FL105 vs the FL113’s is how did you think about tip and tail height and rocker profile? Not that the difference is huge but I would think the 113 would have more splay at both ends. Maybe the rocker lines are shallower on the 105, though?
    Good question! The FL113 is lower and longer, as its a more directional ski. There is added tip radius and therefore height to the FL105 to help plane up quickly as the ski is lightly cambered and narrower. So, really, it is shape and use dependant.

  15. #15
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    Nov 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by kokomas View Post
    Curious how you arrived at tip width less than the BMX and Monster? I believe also narrower than the race room 99 which doesn't feel like a wide ski. Not criticizing, just curious because the 192s seem like a potential tram rider

    Sent from my Pixel 7 using Tapatalk
    Yup, arild and Gaijin nailed it -- with one quick extra thing. A little extra taper in the ski -> slightly shorter effective edge -> less sidecut flare at the ends -> narrower tip width relative to others -> less hooky

    The downside of course is that clean carves with this geometry are a little more reliant on technique to bend and load, as a wide shovel just needs to be tipped (roll the ankles) to engage the sidecut, with the ski pulling the skier into a turn.

  16. #16
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    Nov 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by gaijin View Post

    I’m pissed. Because now I need an R99, an FL105, and an FL113 to compliment my Renegade and sell my M102.
    Don't worry... HALS-era Rens will have a suitable replacement shortly too

  17. #17
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    Nov 2018
    Quote Originally Posted by shank View Post
    Have the carbon factory tests seen any snow time?
    Yeah dude! My buddy Anthony is testing the production pair, as I tend to either ski 87-90mm skis for low snow / spring conditions, or 132s any time there is more than a few inches.

    In short, it is the same rocker profile and flex pattern as the C113, just backed off 10% stiffness wise to make it a little more versatile in bad snow, slightly less directional, help with soft snow at the narrower waist, and better match high ROM boots. Basically it nails exactly this.

  18. #18
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    slightly different profile and a little narrower nose than my favorite charger of 9 ish years ago, the T2.

    This looks like a non metal, a bit more fall line version.

    Nice work. This will make a fine, fine ski.
    formerly an ambassador for a few others, but the ski industry is... interesting.
    Fukt: a very small amount of snow.

  19. #19
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    Feb 2011
    Quote Originally Posted by Marshal Olson View Post
    Don't worry... HALS-era Rens will have a suitable replacement shortly too
    Marshal should we just setup a direct line to my bank account or what? This is amazing news

  20. #20
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    Middle of Norway.
    Quote Originally Posted by Sylvan View Post
    Fuck Arild, I'm gunna die Psyched.

    So fucking pumped to get on these. My Katana 108s are dead, and the buttery smooth layup of FL113s, in a more versatile width, with a pinch of camber, in an anti-light build, sounds pretty dang perfect.
    We're not heavy shaming, for sure.

    We're actively rubenesque in our design endeavors.

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  21. #21
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    Middle of Norway.
    Quote Originally Posted by mr_pretzel View Post
    Marshal should we just setup a direct line to my bank account or what? This is amazing news
    Short answer? Yes. Not enough quibbling about it yet, but. Yes .

    support the raddest project going:

  22. #22
    Join Date
    Dec 2003
    is everything
    Leave it to marshal to get me drooling over a Daily 1o5mm ski in the middle of april .

  23. #23
    Join Date
    Sep 2001
    This looks like a fantastic ski.. from the description I'm getting a modern day movement Goliath vibe? of the greatest true daily driver skis of all time.

  24. #24
    Join Date
    Nov 2018
    I loved the Goliath in 2007 and 2008. Been chasing a ski that versatile and well rounded for a long time!

  25. #25
    Join Date
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    idaho panhandle!
    Yep, loved my pair of goliaths.

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